Reflective Practice Nursing

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There are many definitions in the literature of reflection, most however agree that it is an active, conscious process

Reflection is often initiated when the individual practitioner encounters some problematic aspect of practice and attempts to make sense of it.


Dewey (1933) defined reflection as:

An active persistent and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusion to which it tends.

Dewey worked as an educationalist and developed his concept of reflective practice and reflection through experiential learning theories. He concluded in his work that the experience the individual lives through can be described as a dynamic continuum - and that each experience influences the quality of future experiences.

Boud - the learner's point of view

Boud et al (1985) take a different perspective and define it as:

A generic term for those intellectual and effective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and appreciation.

Boud and his co-writers view reflection from the learner's point of view. They emphasise the relationship of the reflective process and the learning experience against what the learner can do.

Schön - types of reflection

Schön (1987) in his work identifies two types of reflection, these are reflection-in-action (thinking on your feet) and reflection-on-action (retrospective thinking). He suggests that reflection is used by practitioners when they encounter situations that are unique, and when individuals may not be able to apply known theories or techniques previously learnt through formal education.


Greenwood (1993), however, identifies weaknesses and inconsistencies in Argyris and Schön's work as they fail to follow their own recommendations. This, she argues, has resulted in the implementation and prescription of dubious strategies for the promotion of what Schön refers to as enlightened professional artistry. Often formal education cannot answer the complex questions of clinical practice and there remains a gap in knowledge gained. Schön, however, argues that wisdom can be learnt by reflection on dilemmas that are encountered in practice and that by using reflection-on-action practitioners can continue to develop their practice.

Reid (1993) in her definition also noted reflection as an active process rather than passive thinking. She states:

Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice.

Kemmis (1985) agrees with Reid that the process of reflection is more than a process that focuses 'on the head'.

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