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Essays on authoritative parenting styles
Child discipline
Essay on authoritarian parenting styles
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One of the most critical aspects of raising a child is the way they are disciplined. Disciplining a child starts early in their life and how it is done sets an example for them of how to respond to undesirable behaviors. Everyone’s parenting style differs, but the majority fall into four major categories: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Neglectful, and Indulgent. Electing a parenting style is hard and in most cases, the chosen or natural parenting style is based on the effects of the parenting style the parent experienced when they were young.
My parents followed moderately different parenting styles. My mother’s parenting style was strict and extraordinarily Authoritarian, while my dad practiced a mix of Neglectful and Authoritarian parenting. My Father was a workaholic and was not around much. During early childhood, I would be in bed by the time he arrived home from work, so I would rarely see him. He did not get involved with my schoolwork and would rarely show up to piano recitals or swim meets. The few times he did show up, he would ridicule me and tell me I should have done better. Since my
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I would try my best to follow the Authoritative parenting style since it is one of the most well rounded parenting styles. I do not believe in spanking, so I will not hit my children. I do not believe spanking works because children learn by example and spanking teaches violence and violence never fixes anything. While I am not sure about schooling yet, I highly doubt I will homeschool my children. Homeschooling can be done in the right way and children can be adequately socially exposed, but I believe that homeschooling is not for everyone. If my child does not like being in public or private school, I will be happy to look at homeschooling as an option, but I will not force them to be homeschooled against their
Growing up, two group of people, parents, and grandparents, took the time and the energy to raise me. Both of them had different approaches when raising me. These approaches were different parenting styles. According to Baumrind, parenting style was the “[capturing] normal variations in parents’ attempts to control and socialize their children” (Darling, 1999). To put it simply, parenting style goal was to lecture, influence, and discipline a child. In general, there are four parenting styles with their own specific benefits and disadvantages. Furthermore, parenting style, granted the dynamic of the family was understood, can be identified in families.
When Ezra was eight years old, he had a psychologist report done that asked a set of questions not only to him but also to myself about my parenting style. I scored high in the top 15 percentiles in not only warmth and affection but also discipline and control. Being high in all four aspects of parenting styles puts me into the authoritative style (Bee & Boyd, 2012). In The Developing Child, the authors describe the parents with this parenting style as those that are “setting clear limits, expecting and reinforcing socially mature behavior, and at the same time responding to the child’s individual needs (Bee & Boyd, 2012, p. 326).” As I reflect on certain situations, I can tell that this style guided my parenting. For example, when Ezra was 6 he frequently cheated at games if he knew he could get away with it. My response, with accordance to my authoritative parenting style, was to beginning teaching him right and wrong, not getting upset, but to bring up the cheating and tell him to play by the rules despite him not having a “strong sense of mortality (Manis, 2008).” I decided to use that option because I wanted Ezra to learn from the experience but continue to play the game and have
Based on the parenting style definitions, both my mother and my father use the authoritative style of parenting. My parents have high expectations for both my brother and I for our future as well as to follow their rules. My brother, Tristan, and sometimes I debate with my parents, sometimes it may be about their rules and to justify why we may have disobeyed their rules. My parents encourage our independence giving us trust that we can handle keeping our grades up, keeping up with our chores, and taking care of expensive items they buy for us; thus we must show our maturity to our parents and follow their guide lines. They have limits of freedom though because we are still adolescences going through life. Whenever
Parenting styles refer to a set of different manners in which parents raise their children. There are four parenting styles including authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. The authoritarian parenting style is based on the implementation of rules, and on the idea that all rules should be followed without exceptions. Similarly, authoritative parenting style implements rules, but the child feelings are taken in consideration and reasonable exceptions to the rule are allowed. On the other hand, in permissive parenting style, there is implementation of rules, but they are rarely encouraged to be followed. Lastly, in uninvolved parenting style, there is a lack of engagement between parents and children, and there are
If there was a right way of parenting would you want to know which one is a suitable or unsuitable way of raising your children? There are various parenting ways that may be detrimental to your child and it might affect them in an unfortunate way once they have grown up. However, there is always a more efficient way that will have a robust effect on their adult life. There are many ways to raise a child, here are a few examples of different types of parenting. For instance, there is authoritative parenting where they are strict to the point where the child listens to their parents rules, but they also give them the space they need so the child does not feel like they are being suffocated by them. Helicopter parenting is
A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well.
It can be said for most parents that they want their children to grow up to be successful contributing members of society. Being a parent is a difficult, yet rewarding task. But why do some types of parenting result in juvenile delinquency while others find success. There are four generally recognized parenting styles and are categorized: authoritarian, permissive, neglectful, and authoritative. This essay will break down the various styles, its type(s) of discipline and effectiveness.
Parenting styles are very diverse and you can come across many depending on the parent. Raising a child can be very challenging and a huge responsibility on the parent, because many people often question what goes on in the child’s home. It is also often said that what a child is experiencing or learning in their home is how they will behave in public. The style of parenting can affect how the child socialize with others and even how well they are able to deal with life situations as they get older. There are four different parenting styles that are often used today, authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Diana Baumrind, a psychologist who conducted research on parenting styles. Baumrind, came up with three of the four parenting
The first type of parenting style is called authoritarian. In this parenting style the parents are the boss. They make strict rules and they enforce them. They focus more on restrictions than a loving relationship with their child. They believe it is their job as parents to catch their children being bad and punish them. These parents use external control on their children instead of taking time to tell the kid what they did wrong and why they should not do it again. Something these parents do not realize is that they do not catch their kids being good. Authoritarian parents are firm and unsympathetic. Authoritarian parents love to use discipline.
With over three hundred million Americans and over six billion people worldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrum.
The authoritative approach to parenting is the better way because you are enforcing rules but you are also giving justification for them, raising children to become responsible and independent for themselves. And to think about the consequences that their actions may lead to, which is something that the other two styles seem to be lacking in. How children are parented definitely affects their lives and the way they grow up to be. It is important to know which style one is and which one a parent wants to take the role of because it is the foundation to your relationships with your children.
Diana Baurmind and Alfred Adler have similar categories of parenting styles. Authoritative parenting can be compared to democratic and encouraging. Both of these styles offer love and security of the child. They express the parent is in control, but the parent also respect their child with explaining parental actions in a positive way. Permissive parenting can be compared to over-submissive parenting style. The child is rude, and demanding. The parent usually accepts the child’s behavior. In my opinion, the parent does not want to upset the child, or bother with correcting the behavior, so they will give in by rewarding the child in order to correct the child’s behavior. Authoritarian parenting can be compared to over-coercive parenting. These parents are very strict with children. My father can be compared to this parenting style. There was no reasoning, no communication, and his actions were final. This kind of parenting reminds me of being in the military. Finally, uninvolved parenting can be compared to neglecting parenting. I almost wanted to compare uninvolved to rejecting, but I cannot necessarily say the parent has denied acceptance. The parent is selfish, and does not even provide the bare minimum for their child’s necessities. I can compare this type of parenting from a 16 year old mother from the show Teen Mom’s. Jenelle had her son Andrew at a very young age. After his birth, she was distance and cared more about partying. Her
However, in this type of parenting style, authoritative parents are more responsive to their child, more willing to listen to questions and more forgiving rather than punishing when their child fail to meet expectations. These parents are more supportive, rather than punitive, also, they focus on making their child confident and socially responsible.(Baumrind, 1966). In authoritarian parenting style, children are expected to follow the strict rules and regulation established by the parents. The parents are too demanding and directive but not really responsive towards their children. They are also status-orientated and children are expected to obey their rules without any explanations (Baumrind, 1991). Then, there is the permissive parenting style in which the parents rarely discipline their child because they have low expectations of maturity and self-regulation. Permissive parent is more responsive, non-traditional and lenient towards their child. They are nurturing and very open with their child (Baumrind, 1991). Lastly, neglectful parenting style is those parents who have both low demandingness and responsiveness towards their children. These parents are generally detached from their child’s life and in some cases; they may even reject or neglect their child’s needs (Maccoby & Martin,
Because the beliefs, education and cultures of people vary so much, along with the age of the child, methods of child discipline vary widely. The topic of child discipline involves a wide range of fields such as parenting, behavioural analysis, developmental psychology, social work and various religious perspectives. Advances in the understanding of parenting have provided a background of theoretical understanding and practical understanding of the effectiveness of parenting methods.
Parenthood is a huge factor in any child’s life, If you were to ask me, a parent decides who we are without either the child or the adult knowing it. The parent’s role also requires discipline, and this is where things get rough in parenting, as so I’ve been told. When the child is disciplined enough and in the right way, they are willing to pass this wisdom on to their children in the future. But when a child is discipl...