Reflective Essay On Parenting Styles

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One of the most critical aspects of raising a child is the way they are disciplined. Disciplining a child starts early in their life and how it is done sets an example for them of how to respond to undesirable behaviors. Everyone’s parenting style differs, but the majority fall into four major categories: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Neglectful, and Indulgent. Electing a parenting style is hard and in most cases, the chosen or natural parenting style is based on the effects of the parenting style the parent experienced when they were young.

My parents followed moderately different parenting styles. My mother’s parenting style was strict and extraordinarily Authoritarian, while my dad practiced a mix of Neglectful and Authoritarian parenting. My Father was a workaholic and was not around much. During early childhood, I would be in bed by the time he arrived home from work, so I would rarely see him. He did not get involved with my schoolwork and would rarely show up to piano recitals or swim meets. The few times he did show up, he would ridicule me and tell me I should have done better. Since my …show more content…

I would try my best to follow the Authoritative parenting style since it is one of the most well rounded parenting styles. I do not believe in spanking, so I will not hit my children. I do not believe spanking works because children learn by example and spanking teaches violence and violence never fixes anything. While I am not sure about schooling yet, I highly doubt I will homeschool my children. Homeschooling can be done in the right way and children can be adequately socially exposed, but I believe that homeschooling is not for everyone. If my child does not like being in public or private school, I will be happy to look at homeschooling as an option, but I will not force them to be homeschooled against their

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