Reflection On Respect And Respect Students

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I am passionate about working with students to help guide them into becoming kind and caring people who also have a passion to learn, grow, and be critical thinkers. I have a clear commitment to respect and celebrate students. During my World Religions unit with my grade eights, I emphasized how it was important to me that my students were respectful human beings who were open to learning about various topics, in this case different religions. I have celebrated diversity in my classrooms, the school, as well as in the community. Reading the student’s paragraphs on religious discrimination was a highlight for me, because students explained eloquently how we are all more similar than different. Showing care and respect for students should be …show more content…

Moreover, I would often take the opportunity to check-in with students, and ask them whether they had anything to share about what was taking place in their personal lives; students were always eager to share. I also attended numerous school sporting events that my students participated in, to show them support while they were doing something that they loved to do, outside of the classroom setting. Furthermore, I have a genuine desire to help students grow in their academic endeavours. I have had several conversations with my classes, and with individual students about ways in which they can improve upon their work. While students are working, I continually check in with them, and provide support where needed. I always made myself available for extra help, and many students took this opportunity to improve upon their academics. I appreciated seeing growth in student’s academic work as well as in their work habits. Over time, students that were not very motivated, have become more motivated and active about …show more content…

Both my SA and FA, have acknowledged that I am very aware of what is taking place in the classroom, and that I am quick to correct any situation that does not follow the classroom expectations. In addition, it was important to me that each student in my class had a voice. I am celebrating my ability to create a safe environment where a majority of students were eager to participate, and contribute to class activities. I helped students who are more shy to participate, by being supportive, checking over their answers, and encouraging them. One student who thrived in this safe community, wrote to me in a letter that he did not like to be called on because he had a stutter, which his peers made fun. When I did call on this particular student, I would make sure that I told him in advance; this helped calm the student’s anxiety, and helped him to feel more prepared to answer. I was really proud of this student, when he went up in front of the class as the first performer, and read his poem on racism out loud during our poetry café. Another aspect of teaching that I believe is important, is placing students at the center of decision-making. For the final summative assignment for the Short Stories unit, I gave students the choice to choose one story, out of the six we read, and write an alternative ending to it. Students created stories that were entertaining; several

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