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Erikson psychosocial theory conclusion
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To assess Red’s development, theories from Erikson, Bowlby, and Piaget will be used. Each of these theories provides insight into Red’s development and how he has began understanding the world. Using Freud’s basic psychosexual stages, Erickson provides a more detailed account of how Red is developing a concept of himself. Bowlby’s theory provides an understanding of Red’s attachments so far in his life. Finally, Piaget’s stages of cognitive development help explain how Red related to his environment. Each of these theories plays an important role in understanding Red’s development. Erickson used a theory of psychosexual stages to explain how the child begins to develop a self-concept. Erikson argued that children are protected for a longer …show more content…
Red was capable of actually using his legos to form letters which relayed to his mother that he actually knew what that letter was. Red also used his body language and language to tell his mother if he needed help. Red’s mother promoted this communication through encouraging him to enunciate. She intently waited for his cues as to what activity is going to happen next. It will be interesting to see if Red develops a strong sense of guilt given his strong will and initiative. Red’s self-esteem may be closely related to his strong sense of security with his …show more content…
A strong attachment provides a sense of security. According to Bowlby 's theory, the secure attachment encourages the child to explore the environment, as the child knows he/she can return to the mother at any time (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007). For instance, if a child experiences a stimulus, which elicits fear, he/she will seek out his/her mother for comfort. Red did not appear to mind the observer being present during his playtime. He played with his mother for a while, but was willing to move around the room and play without her. He appeared reassured when she talked to him during his playtime behind the couch, as they could not see each other. Red did seek his mother’s approval during alone tasks, but was always positively
For example, when the child first arrived he made no contact with those that were in the area. The only eye contact that he made was with his grandmother. The secure attachment theory supports that children are least likely to make contact with strangers when caregivers are around. One example of no contact is, the child not making eye contact with those who were among his presence while he stayed extremely close to his grandmother. Children that are securely attached seem to become somewhat defensive when they are in different environments. They tend to push away from strangers to stay within the presence of their caregivers. They become very anxious of when they feel as if the caregiver could possibly be away from their presence. An example of “anxiousness” is when the observed child got comfortable to venture off, he hesitated leaving his grandmother; it took him a while to get comfortable with the strange surroundings and people. After the child was comfortable, he relaxed and became less anxious. When the observed child started to become comfortable within his surroundings, he slowly but cautiously shied away while turning around and hesitating before he ventured away too far. After the child ventured off, he became even more aware of his surroundings. The child had a pattern of looking for his grandmother to make sure that she was still
He implemented eight psychosocial stages which includes trust versus mistrust. One example of the specified inclusions are infants. In order to come to a resolution for these feelings of insecurity, infants look towards their care givers for care and stability to fulfill their desired needs. With autonomy versus shame stage, children begin to assert their independence, utilizing their skills otherwise they will end up doubting their abilities. Initiative versus guilt is another stage where pre-scholars develop initiative by devising and carrying out bold plans. These people plan activities, developing a sense of initiative with others therefore feeling secure in their ability to lead and make decisions. The identity versus role confusion stage is noted as Erikson’s most popular. He characterized adolescence as a crucial and critical time of identity development. To achieve a sense of identity some adolescents attempt to define and explore who they are regarding their career choice, religion, political views, sexual orientation etc., figuring out a way to fit into society. According to Erikson, “the adolescent mind is essentially a mind or moratorium, a psychosocial stage between the morality learned by the child, and the ethics to be developed by the adult” (Erikson, 1963, p.245. As they go through the different sexual and
John Bowlby’s attachment theory established that an infant’s earliest relationship with their primary caregiver or mother shaped their later development and characterized their human life, “from the cradle to the grave” (Bowlby, 1979, p. 129). The attachment style that an infant develops with their parent later reflects on their self-esteem, well-being and the romantic relationships that they form. Bowlby’s attachment theory had extensive research done by Mary Ainsworth, who studied the mother-infant interactions specifically regarding the theme of an infant’s exploration of their surrounding and the separation from their mother in an experiment called the strange situation. Ainsworth defined the four attachment styles: secure, insecure/resistant, insecure/avoidant and disorganized/disoriented, later leading to research studies done to observe this behavior and how it affects a child in their adolescence and adulthood.
Erik Erikson was a German Psychoanalyst that developed a psychosocial theory composing of eight stages of development. These eight stages span from birth to death and attempt to describe how external factors influence personality development. I seek to learn more about Erikson’s psychosocial theory by reflecting on an individual person’s account of their memories from childhood into their present life stage and out to their goals and vision for their future self.
The child feels more desire to explore when the caregiver is around, and he or she is discontented when the caretaker goes away. This pattern of attachment is characterized by high discriminative aspects where the child highly sensitive to the presence of strangers (Newton, 2008). A child becomes happy where the caregiver is present and dull when the caregiver goes away. Secure attachment level and intensity is determined by the caregiver sensitivity to the needs of a child. Consistent response to a child needs by the caregiver or parents will create a relatively strong secure attachment pattern. Care and attention are the major determinants of secure attachment and a child who revives a lot of attention and care from his or her parent are much prone to develop secure attachment, and it is an indication that the parent is responsive to the child
Erik Erikson, born June 15th, 1902 in Frankfurt, Germany was a developmental theorist who proposed a “comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies a series of eight stages, in which a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood”. After developing what is a crucial theory to revealing the developmental process of children, Erikson died on May 12th, 1994 at age 91 in Harwich, Massachusetts. His theory would later become an important contribution to the study of childhood education. Along with his theory, he wrote many books as well as won two awards including the Pulitzer Prize, and the National Book Award in 1970.
Psychologist, Mary Ainsworth expanded upon Bowlby's original work. She conducted a study labelled the ‘Strange Situation’. In the study, based upon the children’s reactions, Ainsworth described three major styles of attachment: secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, and avoidant-insecure attachment. Work by Stroufe and Waters in 1977, further supported Ainsworth's attachment styles and have indicated that attachment styles also have an impact on behaviours later in life (Birns, 1999, p. 13). Researchers have found strengths in attachment patterns established early in life can lead to a number of outcomes. For example, children who are securely attached as infants tend to develop stronger self-esteem and better self-reliance as they grow older. These children also tend to be more independent, perform better in school, have successful social relationships, and experience less depression and anxiety (Birns, 1999, p. 13).
This approach has become the stimulus for a number of similar theories which share the same assumptions on psychological development, yet differ in detail. (Gross, R, 2007) Erik Erikson, a neo-freudian himself accepted Freud’s theory but whereas the psychodynamic approach focuses on five main stages of development until adulthood, Erikson theorised that development is lifelong and continues throughout life until death. (Psychology for A Level 2000)
“Ainsworth and Witting (1969) devised the strange situation to be able to test the nature of attachment systematically” Cardwell, M. et.al (2000). They found three attachment types, secure attachment, insecure-avoidant and insecure –resistant. They found that the different attachments had different effects on a child’s behaviour. Bowlby’s theory talks about having a secure base which allows a child to explore its environment.... ...
Erik Erikson introduced us to eight stages of development that happens over a person’s lifespan. At each stage, there is a developmental task with a crisis that will need to be resolved to successfully go through that stage development. During these tasks, vulnerability is increased and there is enhanced potential. If the task is handled successfully, then we can see healthy development occurring. This idea of people going through different stages helps to explain why people develop differently and how one develops during childhood can directly affect how they will be and/or act during later years in life. This paper will examine my personal
Klein and Fairbairn are both object relations theorists who believed that early object relations significantly influence one’s development and personality. While they have this main commonality, they each have their own conceptualizations about healthy development, as well as the origins of psychopathology. The following paragraphs will attempt to first reiterate some of the major postulates of their theories and their notions of normal development, and then attempt to explain how they understand the emergence of neurosis.
The two theories that will be discussed throughout this paper are Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development. The major themes and concepts of the two theories share both differences and similarities. Specific emphasis will be placed on the earliest years of life and will also be related to separation, individuation, and attachment theory. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development focuses on the concept of schemas and cognitive thought that helps an individual organize knowledge and understand the world, in comparison to Erikson’s theory which focuses on conflicts that arise between and within the ego. Accommodation and assimilation occur throughout Piaget’s theory as a result of children changing their schema to adapt.
The development of children differs from individual to individual, depending on their unique temperament, leaning style, family, and upbringing. Research theorists such as Jean Piaget and Erick Erickson have endeavored to organize child development into universal, predictable sequences of growth that typically occurs in most children. In this paper I will be discussing my life story from infancy to adolescence and intergrading the theorists, domains, models that I have learned in child development classes.
Developmental psychology is an area of research dedicated to the understanding of child-development. Throughout history many theories have been used to attempt to explain the complex process. Two of those theorists, Freud and Erikson, were instrumental in creating a foundation for child-psychology to build on. From a Freudian perspective, human development is centered on psychosexual theory. Psychosexual theory indicates that maturation of the sex drives underlies stages of personality development. Alternatively, Erikson is considered a neo-freudian scholar who developed psychosocial theory. In Erikson models there are eight major conflicts that occur during the course of an individual’s life.
Freud’s psychosexual theory and Erikson’s psychosocial theory are two very renowned developmental concepts. Erikson was persuaded by Freud’s ideas but he elaborated on the theory differently.