Reb Hirschl And The Swallow Man

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5. Reb Hirschl – Reb Hirschl was a Jewish man whom played the clarinet. He had been put in Lubliner ghetto, but escaped into the city and then into the wilderness. When he escaped, he had been drunk and saw that there were no guards at the front gate and went for it, successfully escaping the city. Soon after, he fell out of tree and met Anna. She wanted him to play his clarinet, but his only reed was cracked so instead he hummed the music. Reb Hirschl was one to laugh often, unlike the Swallow Man, which caused Anna to fall in love with him. The Swallow Man took Anna away from Reb Hirschl, but later that night, Anna tried to find him again. The Swallow Man found her and brought her back to the camp, but afterwards he went out to find Reb Hirschl
Pink, White, and Gold Beaded Baby Shoe – The shoe that the Swallow Man carried around with him represented his daughter, Greta. The Swallow Man “worried constantly that the tiny beads of pink and white and gold were falling off with each jostling step of his constant motion through the world, though in truth it was usually the unwrapping of the thing to check the damage that pulled them loose” (59). He was always worried about the shoe because it belonged to Greta. Since she was no longer with him, he held onto the shoe as a way to remember her. That is why the shoe represents Greta within the book. It Greta’s last possession and therefore, is the embodiment of her to the Swallow
Bear – Bears were the name the Swallow Man gave to the Soviet soldiers. The Swallow Man says, “The Bears do not think of themselves as a pack. Bears are solitary animals. They think of themselves as one gargantuan Bear that spans half the globe” (67). The Soviet Union was a very large place, taking up the largest country, Russia, along with other countries surrounding it. That is why the Bears are considered to be one big Bear. All together, they form one large nation that spans much of the globe. Bears consider not what others are, but what they are doing. A Soviet soldier is supposed to work hard at their job and say they are proud to be a part of the Soviet Union (67). That is why the Swallow Man states that it is easier to imitate a Bear than a Wolf. If a person works hard and proclaims to be proud, then they can be considered as part of the big

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