Reasons To Be An Immigrant

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The term “immigration” refers to the action of living permanently in a non-native country (Perreira et al, pp. 195-218). In other words, immigration is known the movement of people to another region or country to settle there permanently. A larger variety of reasons motivates the immigrants to leave their homeland. For example, some people desire to prosper economically while others have political issues. Some people want family re-unification, while some people need to escape the natural disaster or a conflict. Some people simply wish to change their surroundings and environment. This paper aims to shed light on the benefits of being immigrant.

An individual who permanently transfers his or her residential place from one country to another is known as an immigrant. A large number of people migrated in the early settlement of the United States of America from almost all over the world towards this country. Before 1900s, there were no fixed laws for immigrants nor did they have to face any restrictions in order to migrate to United States as the country lacked the problems regarding of immigrants, whether being consumers or manual workers, the country increased its wealth (Papademetriou et al, p. 11). The United States furthered its economy as well as social growth with the help of a great deal of immigrants from …show more content…

Government of any country should keep the notion of immigration in consideration since it can be the great source of joy for nations. However, a country that has an exceeding ratio of settlers and immigrants can have overwhelming effects (Giulietti et al, pp. 24-38). Nevertheless, the concept of immigration is good for the entire world, and thus it ought to be allowed for every country an individual wants to be. Benefits of being an immigrant can be exemplified from various aspects including economy, diversity of culture, living standard, and so

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