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Theories of reading skills
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Recommended: Theories of reading skills
1. Introduction During the last decade, the process of second or foreign language learning is necessary, because someone can communicate to others. It means that language is a tool to transfer information and messages and expressing attitudes and emotions. Moreover, English as an international language plays a important role in politics, culture, and education. According to these reasons, learning language as a second or foreign language is a complex process (Tilemma, 2000). In order to be a competent learner, it is necessary to be capable in four basic skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Also, reading is one of the most central skill in learning a language and is chosen to be studied in the present research. On other words, reading skill can be used for different purposes like entertaining and education. According to Hume and Snowling (2011), reading skill is one of the main goals of early education. Learning, whether in an academic setting or on one’s own tends to be highly relied on the comprehension of information from text sources (McKeown, 1990). In this regard, White (2004) belived that reading …show more content…
In the 1800s, early presentations through flip books or Zoetrope were by the definition used above, motion infographics. In the 1970s, Whitney was using digital processes, and modern motion infographics were born. Before computers were extensively accessible, motion infographics were time-consuming. However, the availability of desktop programs like Adobe Flash and After Effects have made motion infographics increasingly accessible. The leading program used by motion infographic designers is probably Adobe After Effects, which works a bit like Photoshop. Of course, new products come along every day. What they all have in common is the ability to combine video, text, speech, data visualization, special effects and even 3D to create
Donald M. Murray, in this article entitled “Reading as a Reader” is talking about how reading is an unique, an essential, and a necessary aptitude for human beings in their society. While illustrating his point of view, the author stresses on the idea that our attitudes towards reading is directly linked to the systematic approaches we have while facing a article or a book. In this article, he said that: “If we approach a text believing that we are not readers, or that we can’t read, that attitude may make it more difficult for us to understand the challenging text.”(Murray, 2). Throughout those words, Murray emphasizes that we should consider the process of reading as a learning process, and as a way of deepening the capacity we have as readers. We should have an open-mind while engaging with a reading, and understand that it may always not be our fault if it comes that the text we are reading is difficult. In clear, it is all part of the process of improving ourselves. Then, Murray, in his well structured writing, portrays differents types of reading and also gives us some tips on how to approach them.
Reading is not just reading words on a paper. It is a process that uses many resources in the brain and the use of strategies. Teachers have to use all six areas of reading to help students learn how to read, what strategies to use when reading, how to interpret a text and many more. Reading is a complex process and this paper will describe the six areas of reading.
Carr refers to how his friends reading habits have changed as “Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.” (54). Reading has evolved from procuring and memorizing information for we have every opportunity to get that information as many times as
I have seen my students trying very hard to make sense what they read and use it to construct their new knowledge. I have seen their frustration for not achieving the demands of reading at a college level. I have also seen them overwhelmed by “big” textbooks which were not meant to be read. The experience I have gained during these years as a case manager has made me realized that the reading challenges of college students are sometimes underestimated. It is my responsibility to enlighten my students’ reading challenges, to reflect on them, and to provide the support and guidance they deserve to overcome their reading
Reading can promote more meaningful learning. According to results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE, 2004), students who spend more time reading outside class score higher on the deeper-learning scale.*
Strategies necessary to comprehend informational text are different from those needed to comprehend literature (source), and since adults primarily read informational texts, these skills will be beneficial as students grow older (Kane, 2008). Moreover, since prior knowledge is necessary to understand texts (source), each subject requires its own reading skills.
The type of reading that is on the decline, is that which requires thought, the assimilation and accommodation of ideas, and effort—close reading. This form of reading involves the careful, sustained interpretation of literary text that comes from observing a pieces minute detail. In accordance with the definition of reading provided by the Princeton dictionary, “the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message”, the methods used other than closed reading are not truly reading. Many have argued that the creation of new technology has actually enabled more people to read, but when compared with reading’s definition, this is not true. Reading in not mindlessly skimming articles and not knowing what they mean afterwards, but being able to comprehend the material that one has read, including its many facets.
The possibilities are endless with the information available: encyclopedias, articles, books, magazines. Moreover, a reason I read, is for a source of enjoyment and entertainment. Every now and then I find a book that I can not take my eyes off of; freshman year I found a book that I loved so much, that I read all 300 pages in a matter of a day! Furthermore, reading may enhance vocabulary, advance writing skills, and improve analytical thinking. As author, Lana Winter-Hebert wrote, “should you ever find yourself in dire circumstances, remember that although you might lose everything else—your job, your possessions, your money, even your health—knowledge can never be taken from you” (Winter-Hebert). On the other hand, there are various of other thoughts about reading.
In this paper, I will analyze reading strategies for the content area of language arts in a fifth grade class. Reading comprehension is one of the most critical skills a student can master. Without a firm grasp on the comprehension process, learners will struggle in every subject they encounter, whether it’s science, math, or social studies as well as everyday living skills. The content areas typically included disciplines like science, social studies/history and math, but any area outside of English literature instruction constitutes a content area. The reading associated with content area courses reflects not only the concepts and ideas important to these subjects, but also the text structures used by those practicing the field.
The increasing impact of globalization has, in recent years, caused a significant shift in the goals of foreign language education from communicative competence to a requirement for intercultural communicative competence (Byram, 1997). He defined intercultural competence as the ability to establish and maintain relations with members of other culture but not necessarily linked to foreign language proficiency while intercultural communicative competence implies that the learner can do this in a foreign language (Helm & Guth, 2010). However, in a traditional language classroom, the focus of language teaching is to develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. If the focus on language teaching is to improve this set of
comprehension instruction: A comparison of instruction for strategies and content approaches ―[Electronic version]. Reading Research Quarterly, 44(3), 218–253.
It is necessary to draw a distinction between foreign language and second language learning. According to (Wisniewski, 2007), a language lear...
Reading and the ability to comprehend has become a phenomenon that has attracted professionals throughout the globe. It is fascinating that humans have the ability to integrate the information perceived through one’s senses with previously acquired knowledge. The attainment of information through reading is extensive, however, researchers are exploring whether reading at a rapid speed will result in decreased comprehension. Using the McLelland and Rumelhart model (1981), this essay will discuss whether one is able to learn to read at a faster speed and whilst still understand and remembering what has been read. Furthermore, this essay will explore the validity of increasing comprehension when reading at a faster rate as well as the positive
Good reading skills are very important in learning languages. Reading improves spelling because as students learn to sound out letters and words, spelling comes easier. It helps to expand the vocabulary, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read. Students learn new words as they read and put them in their mind for later use. . They also unconsciously absorb the information about things like how to structure the sentences, how words are used in different contexts, and it gives a better understanding of the word usage and definitions than the cold facts of a dictionary. It improves a person’s vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it. Even if students do not understand every word, they will hear new sounds, words and phrases which they can then try out, copying what they have heard. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments and detect implications. Reading texts also provide good models for English writing. Krashen (2004) found that reading is extremely important in learning English, since it is the only way to “become a good reader, develop a good writing style, an adequate vocabulary, advanced grammar” and the only way to “become a good speller”.
The student’s knowledge and understanding will be developed through learning language, learning through language, and learning about language. (Halliday, 1985, p. 8) The student is driven to develop competencies to communicate appropriately, accurately and effectively in an increasing range of social, cultural and academic contexts, and for an increasing variety of purposes. (IBO, 2014, p. 8). According to Lanning 2013 quoted in (IBO, 2014, p. 8) “processes are what help mediate the construction of new knowledge and understanding and play an especially important role in language and communication.” They are designed to enable students to become multiliterate by developing their oral literacy (oracy), visual literacy (visuacy) and written literacy (literacy) (IBO, 2014, p. 8). There are four communicative processes for each of the six phases in order to assist teachers with planning, teaching and assessing. The First communicative process is comprehending spoken and visual text. The Second one is comprehending written and visual text. The third is communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text. In the fourth, language is used in spoken and written form. To meet these objectives, teachers have to concentrate on the macro-skills of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and interpreting. These skills are interactive and interrelated though teachers arrange them as isolated skills. (IBO, 2014, p. 8) the use of the objectives of the six phases is compulsory and they should be referenced when planning units. Each objective is elaborated by a number of strands; which is an indicator of the learning expectation. (IBO, 2014, p. 9). They are subsets of each whole objective that must be taken into consideration when planning, teaching and assessing and reporting on the student’s development and communicative