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The alarm on my cell phone went off. I woke up feeling very sluggish. I decided to stay in bed comfortably. There was no rush to get on the road and besides, I knew the young folks stayed up late talking with each other. I stayed in bed until three-fifteen in the morning.
When I finally got myself out of bed, I dug in my purse for couple packets of green tea. I put on my robe and I stepped out of my room. I was on my way downstairs when I saw a light on in Tonya’s study. The door was slightly cracked open and I could see Tonya was reading a document online. I walked over to the room, opened the door and said,
“Hey girl what are you looking at?”
Tonya did not say a word, she just signaled for me to come closer. As I got closer to the computer screen, I could see a picture of Elijah. I began reading the information on the screen. Tonya said,
“I knew he was a filthy man, but I had no idea how filthy he is. If I were able to find out this information about him, I would guarantee you that his sidekick Gabriel knows about this information too.’
I continued reading the information. She had found the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation sex offenders website.
On that site, Tonya had found Samuel P Burns. Turns out he is a registered sex offender. My heart sank low to the floor. I was completely mortified at what I was reading! It did not say whether or he had been given prison time, it only said that he is a sex offender and that was all I needed to see.
Oh my God! That was why the man felt so gross and nasty to me. I should have taken the time to research this bastard when he first came on the scene. This information sealed everything for me. I was completely done with these people! Tonya rolled her chair backward out of my way and a...

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.... I knew something was wrong with all of them especially since they all attacked you just because you had a different opinion than Gabe. Now Christianity has it flaws true enough but, we have never been attacked just because we have a different opinion. That is all I have to say to that.”
It was finally Eric’s turn.
“Eric, what do you think about all this?”
“Honestly Mama I am disgusted and sick. I want to know if Gabriel knew this information about Elijah. I am just going to stay away from all of them. Judging by the events of the Passover, I feel like he knew everything that was going on with Elijah. There was really nothing I could say.”
‘I am glad to hear you say that on your own son.”
I knew how hurt he was to read the reports.
We finished our meeting at the kitchen table and Sheldon grabbed the keys to my car and followed me to return the van to the car

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