Raymond's Run Theme

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Everyone has seen someone struggling or struggled with their own problems at some point. That person could have been your best friend, neighbor, a classmate, or it could've been anyone. While they were struggling did you help them out of the hole they are in, even if you had your own problems? Did you just leave them there for either person to help them, or did you take action and help them through it. The same type of help happens in the short story “Raymond’s Run” and the book The Blind Side. “Raymond’s Run” is about a girl who loves running and is the best runner in her neighborhood. While waiting for the announcements at the end of her race, she took a long look at her brother. She realizes that he doesn’t have anything that is completely …show more content…

In both of the selected texts, there is someone that needs help. Another character in the story then proceeds to help them out of the hole they are stuck in. For example, in “Raymond’s Run” the main character, Hazel Parker, turns everything around and helps her younger brother achieve new goals rather than help herself achieve her goals. “And it occurs to me, watching how smoothly he climbs hand over hand and remembering how he looks running with his arms down to his side and with the wind pulling his mouth back and his teeth showing and all, it occurred to me that Raymond would make a very fine runner” (Bambara 6). From this point on, Hazel becomes his coach and helps him along the entire way. At the same time, the same concept is used in The Blind Side, the Touhy family helps out a male high schooler that is in need of help. “This boy was new; he had no clothes; For Lord’s sake, he was walking to school in the snow in shorts, when school was out of session, on the off chance he could get into the gym and keep warm. Of course she took him out and bought him some clothes” (Lewis 68). From that day on, the Tuohy family took care of Michael and treated him like he was Sean and Leigh Anne’s son. They give him shelter, food, clothing, and everything else that he needs to get through his pathway of life. Both texts show that helping others rather than helping yourself is always the …show more content…

Toni Bambara, author of “Raymond’s Run”, describes the setting with the use of specific details to help deepen the plot of the short story. Bambara talks and describes Hazel’s career in running but avoids to say anything about Raymond. It isn’t until at the race where Hazel realizes her brother has a chance at running. As Hazel is standing at the finish line, she starts thinking. “And I’ve got a roomful of ribbons and medals and awards. But what has Raymond got to call his own?” (Bambara 6). On the other hand, Michael Lewis uses specific details to describe to the reader the problems that Michael Oher faces throughout his football career. During his journey of high school life and his real life, Oher faced many different obstacles that helped him achieve his goals. The author used specific details to help the readers understand what he was going through. The details got the reader into his problems and witnessed what it was like from Michael’s point of view and the point of view from the family and friends around him. One of the many obstacles in Michael’s life was getting a driver’s license. “She handed him the driver’s test prep books, and agreed to take him to the Memphis Department of Motor Vehicles, but immediately there was a problem: he couldn’t prove who he was” (Lewis 139). There was no prove anywhere that Michael Oher existed. He did not have a membership anywhere. Leigh Anne thought

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