Raymond's Run Literary Analysis Essay

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A lot people struggle with being bossed around about how they look and having to be what other people expect them to be. Famous icons also struggle with this situation. Daya is a well-known pop singer who has gained fame in the recent years. In an interview about her song, Sit Still Look Pretty, Daya mentioned the purpose of the song was for people to be who they want to be and follow their dreams rather than being forced what to do. In total, the song was aiming towards independence. In the story, Raymond’s Run, by Toni Cade Bambara. Squeaky is the protagonist in the story who is participating in a big race and having to take care of a disabled brother. Besides that, her parents have different expectations about her being a girl. She is living in a time where girls are expected to be fashionable and “ladylike”,rather than being independent. Her mom is against her being so athletic, but she still wants to be herself. Squeaky is an independent, athletic, and outside-of-the-box girl who goes through many burdens, but like the protagonist in Daya’s song, still she follows her dreams. …show more content…

She is very independent and self-confident. This kind of self-confidence can be seen in the hit song, “Sit Still Look Pretty” by Daya. The lyric that the song’s protagonist sings is similar to what Squeaky feels, “But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string”. Similarly, Squeaky does not want to be bossed around about how she looks.” I am not a strawberry”(P.27, Lines 199-200) “She lives in Harlem during the 1960’s, when society’s gender stereotypes expectations where

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