Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451': Chapter Analysis

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The symbol of the Phoenix flashed across Montag’s vision as they reached the freshly burnt city from the bombs. No, thought Montag, it’s done and over with. He’s gone. It’s all over. I am okay. Shaking his head, he looked into the sky as if it was the first time he had seen it and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Images of Mildred and the Mechanical Hound and Clarisse and Beatty and Faber flashed across his vision this time, causing Montag to stagger slightly. I can’t live like this, with all the worry and guilt and fear. Montag suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, quickly turned, prepared to fight and instead faced Granger. “What’s going on in your head, friend?” Granger inquired. “Ah, um, just memories. Not necessarily bad or good. Neutral,

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