Rape And Domestic Violence

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The majority reason why every rape and domestic violence is not reported is due to victim blaming. Due to news and social media women feel that they are to blame for becoming a victim of these crimes. Because the vast majority of rapes are not reported the victim will have physical, psychological, and economic consequences. It is important that all women know their rights as a victim and the resources available to them.
Types of crime First, it is important to understand the types of crime that are often associated to victim blaming. The first is rape; this will include myths about rape. Second, is domestic violence both physical and mental abuse.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2015 there were a reported 431,840 …show more content…

A victim will undergo physical, psychological, and possible economic effects. The community will suffer from economic consequences from unreported rapes and domestic assaults.
A victim of rape, sexual assaults, and domestic assaults could face a multitude of injuries from bruises and small cuts to serious injuries such as broken bones, vaginal tears, the possibility of STD’s and pregnancy. Due to victims not reporting the crime due to the negative stigma of victim blaming, they are living with these physical injuries without seeking medical attention. A victim of domestic abuse could face some of the same injuries and other added injuries. …show more content…

Domestic abuse victims often do not report their abuse because they blame their self for the abuse. The media plays a huge role within victim blaming, this needs to be acknowledged, and appropriate change should take place. Better laws to protect victims from their rapist or abuser need to be implemented and enforced. Law enforcement officers need better training when interacting with a victim, so they do not feel as if they are to blame for the rape or domestic abuse. Emotional domestic abuse needs to be dealt with seriously from law enforcement. More victim advocate programs and more trained advocates should be available to victims. It is important for victims to receive the help they need, and not to feel blame or fear of being blamed for the crimes committed against

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