Rape, Abuse And Incest National Network

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No means no; a simple statement that so many seem to not understand. Rape is the most underreported and psychologically damaging crime that happens daily. Rape is defined as any kind of sexual intercourse forced upon an unconsenting victim. This is a controversial topic due to the many grey areas that appear when convicting and sentencing individuals accused of this crime. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, or RAINN, "61% of rapes/sexual assults are not reported to the police." They even go on to say that there is only a fifty-fifty chance of an arrest occurring if the rape is reported. They also comment that there is only a one in six chance of the attacker going to prison and that only three out of fifty attackers will spend …show more content…

Can you imagine what excuse is good enough to withhold from 20,000 women the comfort of knowing that what happened to them did not go neglected? According the FBI and Justice Department, the excuse is money. Testing one rape kit can cost around $1,500. Actor Nicolas Cage said it best when he paraphrased the Declaration of Indpependence by saying, "If something is wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action." Those in charge are responsible for the well being of all people and all victims. Once again, RAINN reports that sixteen percent of women, or 17.7 million women, in the United States are a victim of rape. This is a staggering number. There is no reason that this many people should be forced into some type of sexual intercourse and that so many people do not pay the consequences for their actions. However, many attackers claim they have good reasons for their actions. These copouts include statements such as: "her clothing was asking for it", "she said yes at first and then changed her mind", or "I figured she would'nt be able to remember it

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