Rangsei Kinesday Character Analysis

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The story that has been created has been inspired by a movie called Muriel’s wedding which was released in 1994. The main character of the story is Rangsei, a young Cambodian female and was adopted by an Australian family. The name ‘Rangsei’ was chosen due to the meaning of the name ‘she who questions’ and is a type of person who lacks in self-confidence. This name relates to the main character as Rangsei is a girl who is trying to find herself and where she belongs. She dwells on the past about how she used to live in the slums, she despises this kind of life which gave her the motive to look forward. Rangsei is seeking acceptance, however, she has low self-esteem but strongly values her ethnicity as a Cambodian. Rangsei views the Australians, as different people because she feels inferior. The main character strongly feels this way that she refers her adoptive parents as “the lady” and “the man”. She views the society that there are social classes and which leads her to believe why someone like them would adopt her. Rangsei sees herself as a low-rank citizen and cannot understand where she fits in her new home, for example, Rangsei says “Why would they want a street rat like me?”. Her independence from when she was a child has created a life of her not knowing what important family values are. …show more content…

For instance, themes that are similar is character development where Muriel and Rangsei have been treated as ‘different’ like outcasts in different ways, they both seek acceptance and lack of self-confidence to defend themselves. When comparing these two, family issues is also another theme that stands out. Muriel has a dysfunctional family, the father only has a job and lacks communication and respect. Whilst in the creative story, Rangsei shows the audience that something has happened in the past that made her dislike the family so much she would rather live with a different

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