Rainfall In Correlation To The Beak Lengths Of Finches Summary

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Rainfall in Correlation to the Beak Lengths of Finches
Background information Charles Darwin was and still is one of the most well-known scientists in the globe. He is famous because of his contribution to the science of evolution, which shook many people’s viewpoints on nature and the origins of humanity at the time. As of today, Charles Darwin has given the title of “father” to evolution despite the fact of him not being the first person to come up with the theory. This is due to Charles Darwin gathering the evidence to support the claim along with the providing answers of why and how the changes of organisms occur. (the title of “adopted father” is more suiting to the relationship between Charles Darwin and evolution where Darwin took evolution under his wing and raised it up with scientific evidence and research so it grew to what it is today) The majority of Darwin’s research was presented in his book titled “The Origin of Species”. This book went into detail describing natural selection and evolution, along with why and how it happened. Natural Selection can be considered as a competitive side of nature, where those who are bad at surviving and repopulating are disqualified. Those who do survive will have the potential to pass on their phenotypes or genotypes to the next generation and so …show more content…

It was observed (see figure 2) that finches with larger beaks can survive in more arid climates while in a wet climate small-beaked finches will have more chances of reproduction compared to their larger counterpart (seen in figure 3). notably, the humidity levels are not the direct cause of the beak lengths but an indirect cause. The level of rain will have a direct impact on the vegetation in the environment. These vegetations, being at the bottom of the food chain will, in turn, affect all living species of animal including the

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