Radiance Aesthetic Center Essay

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Radiance Aesthetic Center (RAC) is a medium-scale dermatological clinic which offers non-surgical Cosmetic Care and Enhancement (CCE). It anchors itself on its mission of providing personalized services to meet individual needs and aid its customers in Staying Beautiful, Everyday. THREE-POINT OPERATIONS STRATEGY Modify its Customer Database System to automate previous manual processes RAC has a sophisticated digital customer database systems, which contains pertinent information such as biodata, treatment history, relevant medical records, and appointments, however, it is not fully utilized. RAC should use this database to continuously build and strengthen its relationship with its customers by modifying the system to regularly check-in on its customers, inform them …show more content…

New procedures are added on a regular basis and it is important to inform the employees of their purposes, methodology, and key-performance indicators. Apart from this, they should be primed about which procedures should be offered in conjunction with others and to what types of clients they should be offered to, in order to optimally fulfill a client’s specific needs. Innovate offered services and continuous acquisition of new technology and treatments CCE has a high turnover rate such that treatments and machines have a short lifespan before they are replaced with newer and better versions. Therefore, in order to provide its customers with better service, RAC should regularly procure new machinery that would give its customers a better overall experience (e.g. decreased downtime, better results), sourcing these globally and by following-suit the leaders in the industry. Doing such will allow RAC to better compete in the market and uphold its mission.

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