Racsim in Sports

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Racism if traced back to the 19th century has been predominant; we may refer to the apartheid era in South African where many of blacks were maltreated by the whites because the whites seem to view them as inferior. Does racial discrimination also exists in sports? Yes. Racial discrimination has also impacted negatively on the ethics of sports and the code of conduct of athlete. Is of no surprise that racial discrimination has mainly welcomed itself into sports, has this has been an issue which have perplexed many of sports analysts the 21st century. But, what are likely the effects of racial discrimination on sports?

Firstly, an atmosphere where sport activities are performed is very hostile. An instance where racial discrimination is prevalent, riots may occur during which sports such as crickets, soccer, and baseball, basketball now become less preferred due to the preference of some athletes to others as a result of their colour, culture and race. An instance of this kind of incident is the ill treatment of some players by fans racism at the Spain v. England international football match in Madrid on 17 November 2004 (Bradbury, & Williams, 2006 p.61). This shows how racial discrimination has negativity impacted on sportive activities. Many of athletes are concerned about their personal safety when registering for sportive tournaments, such as the Olympics. The safety of the spectators and the athletes is very important in different sports, if this issue is not resolved, the situation which sportive activities may soon be stagnated and even In such an atmosphere, no athlete will never participate, even thinking about registering his or her name for any sportive events.


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Works Cited


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