Racial Indifference Ra

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Living in the Era of Mass Incarceration and Racial Indifference
The Old Jim Crow (1.0) was a racial caste system that took away the rights of African Americans; it was used after slavery ceased to be efficacious (regarding the making of money). Built on white supremacy, the Old Jim Crow laws established a rift between poor white farmers and blacks in order to prevent any alliances between the whites and blacks. Moreover, Jim Crow encouraged violence to maintain the racial system and to keep blacks in a place below the whites. The Old Jim Crow involved direct attacks on African-Americans, accompanied with racial stereotypes and racist language. Furthermore, the New Jim Crow (2.0) is also a racial caste system, but it is enforced by the Criminal Justice System. The War on Drugs led to the targeting of poor African Americans and racial profiling. In the era of indifference, it is no longer socially acceptable to use race as a justification for discrimination, as opposed to the Jim Crow 1.0, where racial attitudes were common. Instead of being racist, America uses its criminal justice system to label people of color "criminals.” In the era of indifference, it is no longer socially acceptable to use race as a justification for discrimination, as opposed to the Jim Crow 1.0, where racial attitudes were common. Instead of being racist, America uses its criminal justice system to label people of color "criminals.” While some races use drugs at similar rates, there is still a disparity in jails: they are mostly filled with people of color. The New Jim Crow makes it possible that the African Americans labeled as criminals lose basic rights, and consequentially, the whites maintain superiority over the blacks. Outside of prison, free prisone...

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...under the weight of logical fallacies and lack of research.
In conclusion, Michelle Alexander depicts the grim reality for many young African American men in the era of mass incarceration and exposes the truth of racial injustice in the system of mass incarceration. She reveals how race plays an important role in the American Justice System and mass incarceration. Although some critics disagree, Alexander persuasively argues that the new caste system in today’s society is the New Jim Crow. Using her experience in the field of civil rights advocacy, she illustrates the truth of racial indifference, the injustice in America’s Criminal Justice System, legal misrepresentation, and violations of the Fourth Amendment. She skillfully crafts a book with remarkable detail and logical claims to create awareness of the New Jim Crow and its effect on mass incarceration.

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