Racial Disparities In Healthcare

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1. After through revision of both the book and PowerPoint there was one particular concept that stood out the most. I am now given more clarity and a better understanding on how it is used in the world of health. Like any other areas in health policy it is said that Health disparities is also a growing concern. Health disparities are known as population specific differences. Many populations such as racial and ethnic minorities, residents of rural areas, children, women, elderly, and persons with diabetes are affected by disparities. Preventions and Heath promotions were implemented in the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000, which gave authorization to several US Department of Health and Human Services to address disparities. …show more content…

It is said that Disparities in health, begin at birth for many African-Americans and continues through life. There are many inequalities in this county that has often got over looked. Health inequality is part of American life, so deeply entangled with other social problems — disparities in income, education, housing, race, gender, and even geography that analysts have trouble saying which factors are cause and which are effect (D. C., Alvin Powell, Harvard Staff Writer) . Stated in the article there has been a clinical study providing solid evidence that the suspicion about black Americans face life-threatening inequalities in healthcare, which was published by the Journal of American Medical Association. Blacks were less likely than whites to receive medical

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