R. Y. Langham: What Are The Main Causes Of Teen Pregnancy

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Raising a child can be the hardest thing for an adult to do. Children required a lot of time, money, and attention from the parents or the person caring for them. Puberty is one of the most difficult times for anyone due to the crazy hormones, different emotions and also trying to identify who they really are. Teens don’t only have to manage their hormones changing but also have to manage their school work, homework, clubs, sports, choirs, and some have to manage part-time jobs. Although the number of teen pregnancy has been decreasing, a growing number of teens infected with std’s has been increasing. Sex ed in southern california high schools has helped decrease teen pregnancies, however the numbers of pregnant teens are still high as well …show more content…

The article What Are the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy?, in LiveStrong.com by R. Y. Langham, a credible source due to her education, as she obtain her master 's degree of marriage and family therapy in the University of Trevecca Nazarene, a Bachelor of Arts in English from Fisk University, and a Ph.D in family psychology from Capella University, explains what are the main causes of teen pregnancies. Langham article is about the reasons why teens end up taking parent rolls at such young ages. She explains how friends and media can influence teens to become parents a such a young age to feel relevante or to fit in with peers. The article also expands on how the absence of a parent can also be a factor to a teenage pregnancy. Langham states, “ teens may get incorrect information from friends, videos, or movies. Many times, teens do not have the knowledge needed to make informed and responsible decisions about whether or not to engage in sexual activity” (Langham, What Are the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy?). This shows why teens are engaging in sexual activities because of misunderstandings. Teens who are not professionally informed about sex and the effects of it, look for alternative ways they can find information, which most of the time is from non-professional sources. These non-professional forms are usually from entertainments forms of media that make reality seem like a paradise or minimizes the responsibilities of the actions such as having a

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