R V. Hunter: Case Brief By Chelsea Abrahamson

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R v Hunter- Case Brief By Chelsea Abrahamson. In a summary of this case, the plaintiff, Adam Phillip Hunter, bought drugs into Australia from South Africa over the border. To hide them, he took the drugs and concealed them in the arm of an excavator without anyone knowing, he was only 33 years old. Later, 384 plastic-wrapped 1 kg bricks were discovered by the Australian Federal Police inside the excavator’s arm. After being found guilty, Adam was given a 12-year, 9-month jail sentence without the possibility of being released for an additional 8 years and 3 months. The last time he appeared in court and was heard was two years later when he was 35 years of age. The parties to this case were the main plaintiff, Adam Phillip Hunter, and Regina, the Commonwealth Crown, who are currently in discussion. The judge was identified as Colefax SC, DCJ. There were two solicitors: Mr. Ginges, Adam Phillip Hunter’s counsel, and Mr. Van Treifeldt, who would go on to become Mr. Emmet, the Commonwealth DPP. Mr. Engstorm, Mr. Ahovisi, and the coffee man were also part of this case. …show more content…

At the time of the purchase, Adam was at least reckless in that the excavator contained a commercial quantity of border-controlled drugs. This case is between Regina (Commonwealth) and Adam (offender). The trial took place in the District Court of New South Wales, in Australia. The excavator was shipped but did not yet arrive in Australia at the time Adam bought it. The goods transporting firm received regular updates on the excavator’s condition throughout

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