Quotes From Macbeth

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Act 4, Scene 1
The Witches are gathered around a fire, when Macbeth approaches.
Macbeth: I call upon the dark powers who roam and control this land. I don’t know how you came to know the things you know but I must hear more. The blood of innocents still dries upon your brow and yet I care no longer of consequences. Let the mountains tremble around us, let stones fall from the sky and oceans rise against us. The world may go as mad as you are, only tell me what I want to know.
First Witch: You play with fire, but speak and we will listen.
Second Witch: Ask your questions, the time is right.
Third Witch: Perhaps we’ll answer.
First Witch. Hold. We will call for our masters, stay if you so desire.
Macbeth: I will not leave now. …show more content…

I shall fear nothing of this world. Yet for the sake of sleep, one cannot be too careful.
Sound of tribal drums. A third apparition. A child masked, swinging a club in his hand.
Macbeth: What comes now? I grow weary of these creatures.
First witch: Go if you wish.
Macbeth: I find myself entangled in your potions and blood. I could not end this now nor ever should I so desire.
All: Then one would be advised to speak less and listen further.
Third Apparition: Be a brave as a lion, oh great Macbeth. Fear not, those who lurk in the shadows of you rule. You shall stand firm, unless you find the huts of the once great tribe that stands many miles to the west, is instead standing within your eyesight.
Descends in cloud of smoke
Macbeth: I am assured. For how can a whole city find itself uprooted and transplanted as if it was a tree? It was good of me to come here. My power shall not diminish while my natural life is sustained. Yet if your spirits be so strong. Tell me of Banquo’s sons.
All: Yet be content with what you have already learned.
Macbeth: I am not under your control. Tell me what I want to know or a plague upon your warty faces. Where comes that music from? How came the fire to go

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