Questions On Willy Loman's Death Of A Salesman

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Before I can explain to you what the problem is you will have to sit still and give me your attention. 2. When I explain this problem and when you understand it we will dismiss class. 3. I will not dismiss class until all assignments have been corrected. 4. Until you have studied all the punctuation rules you will not be able to pass the test. 5. I did not know what you meant when you asked me that question. 6. I love to fish and to swim my brother does not enjoy such things. 7. John Adams an old friend of mine dropped by yesterday we drank champagne until well after midnight. 8. I can’t do math Fred can’t spell. 9. Opening the door with a shotgun in his hand the farmer greeted the traveling salesman. 10. Noticing that the farmer had a very attractive daughter the salesman asked if he could spend the night. 11. …show more content…

The traveling salesman a man given to pleasure found himself milking a cow. 12. Milking a cow was not exactly the sort of pleasure the salesman liked. 13. Milking a cow the salesman mind wandered back to the days of his youth. 14. I cannot milk this cow any longer the salesman lamented my fingers are tired. 15. Tired of milking the cow the salesman asked if he might do some other type of work. 16. The farmer who was a good natured man replied that he could wash dishes if he

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