Quality Improvement In Nursing

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With increase population of patients visiting the emergency room, wait times are getting longer and longer. Not just wait time to see the doctors, but to be triaged by a nurse to see if a true emergency exists. The time a patient walks into the waiting room to the time when a nurse can triage the patient was taking too long. It was not safe for the patients. Furthermore, too much burden fell on the shoulder of one triage nurse. A lean process was created. An aim was to decrease the wait time for a patient to be seen by the triage nurse. The lean team measured times from the moment a patient arrived at the ER to the time when a patient was seen by a nurse. With this data at hand, they came up with a process to not only decrease the time when a patient can be assessed by the triage nurse but to alleviate the pressure on the triage nurse. The solution was to get help to …show more content…

Published on Nov 26, 2014. Quality Improvement in Healthcare. YouTube. Retrieved From https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=jq52ZjMzqyI

Middleton, B., Bloomrosen, M., Dente, M. A., Hashmat, B., Koppel, R., Overhage, J. M., Payne, T. H., Rosenbloom, S. T., Weaver, C. & Zhang, J. (2013). Enhancing patient safety and quality of care by improving the usability of electronic health record systems: recommendations from AMIA. Retrieved From http://jamia.oxfordjournals.org/content/20/e1/e2.ful

You are right Tran that we are so used to scanning our medications that sometimes nurses don’t check to see if there is a duplicate order. We are not perfect, and we are liable to make a mistake which can be detrimental to the patient. We do need to take accountability for what we are doing. EHR and other technology are there to help us and make our workflow easier, but it should not replace our critical thinking ability. Nurses as the end-users must “take ownership” for working with the EHR system to deliver safe care to patients (Middleton et al.,

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