Puppy Mill Case Study

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Afraid and alone, Lil Olive, an Italian greyhound, spent 12 years of her life locked in a cage at a puppy mill in Missouri. Negated of basic needs, Olive was left trapped in her own filth. Her only job was to produce babies that were taken from her as soon as possible to be sold to people all around the globe. Olive got rescued, but she was in terrible condition with “lumps, scars, bad hips, tumors, a mouthful of rotten teeth and a large mammary tumor”(Harvey); her tongue also hung out from her mouth due to the loss of teeth. She had to go through many surgeries and treatments and a long road of recovery before she was able to go out for adoption. Olive is just one example of what millions of dogs have experienced through puppy mills. The story of Lil Olive creates awareness and promotes regulations to help stop the inhumane conditions on raising puppies for profit only.

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