Puerto Rico: Tropical Rainforest

565 Words2 Pages


Puerto Rico has many diffrent clothes,foods, houses and languges as we do. Once you have finished reading this report on Puerto Rico, you will find out how much diffrent and unigue things they have.

Puerto Ricans clothing in the past were way diffrent from the things we wear today. Some people have had to go naked before. Married women would waer garments and cotton skirts which is also known as "naguas". Men and women would paint there body with body paints and dacorated there bodys with jewerly made of feathers, rocks, bones, shells, and corals.
Although some of Puerto Rico's food and drinks are the same as our diet in the U.S. they also drink items like despite beer, rum, cocktails and fruity planters which are not typical here. They also end some of there meals with a strong cube of coffee. For dessert they have custard molf, gauva jam, bread pudding, creams, and and freash tropical fruits. They also have codfish fritters and empandadillas. They eat many soups with beans, herbs, and spices. They have stews made with chunkey meat, potatoes and spices a...

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