Public Schools Are Better Than Charter Schools

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Are charter school more effective than public?
As the world continues to change and people’s beliefs continue to evolve, the schooling system has been the one thing that has remained constant throughout history and that is not a good thing. Charter schools are more advanced public schools that prioritize the students and identifying what they’d like to learn and how children’s learning needs differ from one another. Not only are charter schools more catered toward the student populous, they are designed to give students more time in the classroom working with the curriculum and trying to boost student achievement. Public schools in essence are primitive and have become outdated; public schools have been designed to just have the …show more content…

Amelia DeGory exemplifies the difficulty and stress that teachers are often faced with. She says that they in a sense burn out due to the longer hours and higher levels of stress that come with teaching at a charter school. Just because innovation and creativity is better for the future, it can be hard for teachers to deviate from the norms that they learned in teaching school and it is difficult to not conform to the one size fits all type teaching method that they have become accustomed to. DeGory found that there is little continuity for staff and teachers at charter schools than at public schools. When teachers are burned out, it leads to an unwelcome learning atmosphere and the one thing that drew the students toward the charter, the innovation and the creative atmosphere, could possibly be gone. It is very difficult for teachers to have to and be willing to help every individual student and stay long hours after the school day has concluded to help the students that needs said help. Public schools however, conform to a systematic approach to teaching and have not deviated from that due to both government and school board regulation. Although public school do not promote creativity it is beneficial in terms of teacher ability to teach for many years and have the same attitude and energy from the first day that they teach to the …show more content…

This does not conform to the general school board and government regulations that are present within most public-school systems. As a result, charter schools should not receive the government funding that they do because it is taking away funding to regular public schools. And if they are to receive funding, it due to the uniform formula present to decide how much funding a school gets, then they should receive the same amount of funding as a public school. This is a huge discrepancy as schools that want to promote innovation need the necessary funds in order to do so properly. Along with the funding issue, there exist a huge discrepancy as to who attends a charter school. A study done in Gronbery’s article states that there might not be a problem with the charter school itself but rather the students that are attending the charter school. In general, charter schools in Texas serve a student population that is minority and low income. In most cases, this result in lower testing scores and since schools are judged based on their statewide testing scores, then the conclusion that can be drawn is that if charter schools were to serve an equal proportion of high income and low income families with various backgrounds, then testing scores could be closer for public and charter

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