Public Eulogy: Death Of A Salesman

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This is the real Biff who is writing this letter and not the fake one who wrote the Public Eulogy in which I made you sound like a person who was walking on roads of gold. Toward the final moments of your life, you became the most tight-fisted person I knew. You would not even shake my hand . When I was younger, I had so much respect for you; our father-son bond was unbreakable. But you just pumped me full of fake affection and made me feel as if I was on top of the world being able to accomplish anything. Just like the time I took the football and you made me feel as if it was okay to steal. You told me all these great stories about how you were this salesmen who was known all over the country but those were lies. Then the time I caught you cheatin’ on Mom with that woman! You were far from the honest man you claimed to be. All you wanted me to be was a salesman just like you were and look what happened! I already blew my first proposal and stole Oliver’s fountain pen on top of that. Again, you tried to play that off as if nothing bad happened . You never let me speak my mind either! All you did was make …show more content…

I do not want to be a salesman nor do I want to walk in your shoes. You are nothing but a dark and cold man who made me feel as if I was walking on roads of gold. Lies, lies, and more Lies! You don’t understand the level of anger you caused me. I have lost my level of respect for you, and you did nothing but made my future life harder. I had to get some of these things off my chest, that you, Pop, left me to deal with! I now understand myself and what my dream is. You kept me lost in a world of lies and feel-good comments. You were nothing more than a dull, lying, cheating-man Pop. I have set my future and have set my mind; no one can change me now, Pop. This letter is my final goodbye to you. May you rest in

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