Public Bathroom Case Study

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Where do you go to the bathroom when you are in North Carolina? Public restrooms should be available to all people in the public. North Carolina passed House Bill 2, people are now required by law to use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificate. This was a target for transgender people using public bathrooms. The few exceptions are for custodial purposes, a person needing medical assistance, a minor under the age of seven, and a person that has been temporarily designated for use by that person’s biological sex. This bill also takes away your right to sue the state for discrimination. The problem with this law is that it discriminates against transgender people. The fear is that cisgender males will dress …show more content…

In order for people of opposite genitals to use the same facility, changes for privacy should be made. American public restrooms have huge gaps in between the doors and stall dividers. These gaps do not allow for adequate privacy. Urinals with no dividers offer no privacy. Transgender people want privacy just as much as Cisgender people. Companies might balk at the cost of remodeling restrooms. It is the time that companies update the bathrooms regardless of the transgender bathroom issue. The majority of people keep their privates private. The people that are flashing their privates around are going to do so whether they are in a restroom or not. Changes should be made in all restrooms that do not allow complete privacy. Other than installing adequate stalls and dividers for privacy no major changes would need to be made for unisex or gender neutral restrooms. If privacy issues are addressed, then there would be no stigma of using a gender-neutral …show more content…

The fear is a transgender person will make a bathroom unsafe. Statistics show that you are more likely to be raped by someone you know. According to a U.S. Department of Justice special report, most rape or sexual assault victims (78%) knew the offender (Berzofsky, et al). Percentages show that you are more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted in or near your home, not in public bathrooms. Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice Office show the location of rapes and sexual assaults: About 55% of rape or sexual assault victimizations occurred at or near the victim’s home, and another 12% occurred at or near the home of a friend, relative, or acquaintance. 10% occurred in a commercial place/parking lot or garage and 8% at school. 15% occurred in open areas/public transportation/other. Other includes locations such as an apartment yard; a park, field, or playground not on school property; a location on the street other than that immediately adjacent to home of the victim, a relative, or a friend; on public transportation; in a station or depot for bus or train; on a plane; or in an airport (Berzofsky, et al). There is no mention of public restrooms being a place of assault. That does not mean that it cannot happen there, it is just not as

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