Ptsd In Slaughterhouse Five

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The Life and Times of Billy Pilgrim
Have you ever wondered what it is like for our war veterans that deal with PTSD? Mr. Vonnegut wrote the novel, “Slaughterhouse Five” as a way for himself to deal with his own problem of PTSD, and to tell his life story after World War 1. The novel, ¨Slaughterhouse Five¨ by Kurt Vonnegut is a story about the character Billy Pilgrim deals with ¨posttraumatic stress disorder¨ (PTSD), after the first world war. Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder, as battle fatigue, occurring after a traumatic event outside the range of usual human experience, and characterized by symptoms such as reliving the event ( Billy Pilgrim travels through his life timeline, reliving the death of his wife, growing of his children, the war and his visit to Tralfamadore which was the alien planet where he was held. In the novel, Billy suffers crying spells, believing that he was captured by aliens, …show more content…

“... Billy Pilgrim lost his wife, Valencia… So it goes”(Vonnegut,183). In the last paragraph, it was said that Billy Pilgrim has a hard time grieving. Kurt Vonnegut say that Billy Pilgrim is constantly becoming stuck and unstuck in time, and that he never knows what party of his life that he is going to travel to. His PTSD makes him relive his entire life forever until the end of time, seeing the same deaths and frightening events over and over again. Billy Pilgrim believes that there is no need to grieve over anything, but in the novel, it states that he has crying spells because of the war, and he doesn’t want anyone to know. On the planet, Tralfamador, Billy has a hot, movie star girlfriend and he talks badly of his wife. He grieves about his wife’s death by making up this women, and blaming or making fun of his death

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