Pt1420 Final Exam Study Guide

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After your numerical grade has been calculated, your letter grade will be determined as follows: 90 - 100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D below 60% = F

Homework/Hybrid = 50%
Test 1 = 15%
Literary Analysis = 20%
Final Exam = 15%

GRADED PAPERS AND EXAMS Graded papers and exams will be returned to you.

Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that the student’s submitted work; examinations, reports, and projects must be that of the student’s own work. Students shall be guilty …show more content…

Represent the work of others as their own; misrepresent the content of submitted work.
2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students (i.e. allowing other to copy your work).
4. Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit.
The penalty for violating the Academic Ethics code is severe. Any student violating the Academic Ethics code, cheating, is subject to receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Dean of Instruction. Furthermore, your instructor has the option of placing an X designation for the class on your transcript. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute a violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation.

The English Department has adopted the following definition and rules. Plagiarism is “using someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the source.” This includes:
1. Not citing the source for words or ideas in your paper that are not your

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