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Personal effects of war on soldiers
Personal effects of war on soldiers
Mental and physical consequences of war for soldiers
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Wounds, fire, tanks, sweat, letters, distance, cold, training, effort; all these terms are the cause of all psychological aftermath in veterans. Most of the veterans who make it back home alive, come back with their psychological health dead, as well as some make it back alive with their psychological health better than ever. The amount of psychological damages for veterans are sometimes more the expected than the real, and sometimes financial benefits play a big role in finding out which exact soldiers really suffer from these post war effects. Posttraumatic Growth and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder a study made in University of North Carolina demonstrated that the most common postwar psychological effect in veterans is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that its antonym is called Posttraumatic Growth (PTG). PTSD is a negative effect to trauma and PTG is a positive one. This study proved that being at combat does not always come with negative aftermath, but sometimes even with positive ones. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder includes intense fear, nightmares, and terror about a certain distressing event seen or felt at war. Posttraumatic Growth on the other hand, involves positive looks towards life, optimism, closer relationships with family members and closer to religion (if involved) also. The causes behind both of these psychological effects are most of the time the same, being clearly exposed to cruel combat. Seeing other soldiers who trained with you catch on fire, or lose their arms and legs can be the most devastating image a soldier has ever seen, resulting in mental damage such as having PTSD. (Schmidt & Moran & Burker. 34-40). This article states that the lessons learned at combat are taken negatively in th... ... middle of paper ... ...an reality, sometimes there’s more involved than just wanting to be healthy, there’s always money in the way, which can mess up reality counts and military files. Also war doesn’t always have a negative effect in veterans, to something bad there’s always a good side; Posttraumatic Growth. Works Cited Moran, Sena; Schmidt, Judy; Burker, Eileen J. Posttraumatic Growth and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Journal of Rehabilitation April-June 2013. P.34-23. Borgess, Jeffrey. Psychological Effects of Military Service in Vietnam: A Meta Analysis. Central Michigan University. September 1987. American Psychological Association, P. 257-271. Frueh, Christopher, B. Documented Combat Exposure of US veterans try Seeking Treatment for Combat-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2005.
The reality that shapes individuals as they fight in war can lead to the resentment they have with the world and the tragedies that they had experienced in the past. Veterans are often times overwhelmed with their fears and sensations of their past that commonly disables them to transgress and live beyond the emotions and apprehensions they witness in posttraumatic experiences. This is also seen in everyday lives of people as they too experience traumatic events such as September 11th and the fall of the World Trade Center or simply by regrets of decisions that is made. Ones fears, emotions and disturbances that are embraced through the past are the only result of the unconscious reality of ones future.
He supports his claim by giving statistical facts of how many veterans exposed to Agent Orange during their time at war requested examinations and counseling by Veteran Affairs. Scott then states that men of all wars, not just the Vietnam War, struggled to gain support in treatment for war related injuries. He thoroughly supports Spake’s claim of psychological distress within his article by stating that when at war claims of distress were low, but once home, mental and physical anguish intensified. Scott’s purpose is to explain, inform, and describe the mental trials of Agent Orange exposed war veterans in order to make readers aware of the hardships the men faced. Scott creates an informative tone for readers of higher education and an interest in psychological disorders and war
"The Emotional Wounds of War." Military Review Jan. 1992: 54-61. SIRS Researcher. Web. 15 December 2009.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), originally associated with combat, has always been around in some shape or form but it was not until 1980 that it was named Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and became an accredited diagnosis (Rothschild). The fact is PTSD is one of many names for an old problem; that war has always had a severe psychological impact on people in immediate and lasting ways. PTSD has a history that is as long and significant as the world’s war history - thousands of years. Although, the diagnosis has not been around for that long, different names and symptoms of PTSD always have been. Some physical symptoms include increased blood pressure, excessive heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension, nausea, diarrhea, problems with vision, speech, walking disorders, convulsive vomiting, cardiac palpitations, twitching or spasms, weakness and severe muscular cramps. The individual may also suffer from psychological symptoms, such as violent nightmares, flashbacks, melancholy, disturbed sleep or insomnia, loss of appetite, and anxieties when certain things remind them such as the anniversary date of the event (Peterson, 2009).
Imagine living in despair after coming back home, dismayed from a war that got no appreciation. Robert Kroger once said in his quote, “The brave men and women, who serve their country and as a result, live constantly with the war inside them, exist in a world of chaos. But the turmoil they experience isn’t who they are, the PTSD invades their minds and bodies.” Eleven percent of Vietnam Veterans still suffer with symptoms of the terrifying disorder of PTSD (Handwerk). Vietnam Veterans struggle with the physiological effects of PTSD after war, which leads to despair and many deaths.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can develop after a traumatic event (Riley). A more in depth definition of the disorder is given by Doctor’s Nancy Piotrowski and Lillian Range, “A maladaptive condition resulting from exposure to events beyond the realm of normal human experience and characterized by persistent difficulties involving emotional numbing, intense fear, helplessness, horror, re-experiencing of trauma, avoidance, and arousal.” People who suffer from this disease have been a part of or seen an upsetting event that haunts them after the event, and sometimes the rest of their lives. There are nicknames for this disorder such as “shell shock”, “combat neurosis”, and “battle fatigue” (Piotrowski and Range). “Battle fatigue” and “combat neurosis” refer to soldiers who have been overseas and seen disturbing scenes that cause them anxiety they will continue to have when they remember their time spent in war. It is common for a lot of soldiers to be diagnosed with PTSD when returning from battle. Throughout the history of wars American soldiers have been involved in, each war had a different nickname for what is now PTSD (Pitman et al. 769). At first, PTSD was recognized and diagnosed as a personality disorder until after the Vietnam Veterans brought more attention to the disorder, and in 1980 it became a recognized anxiety disorder (Piotrowski and Range). There is not one lone cause of PTSD, and symptoms can vary from hallucinations to detachment of friends and family, making a diagnosis more difficult than normal. To treat and in hopes to prevent those who have this disorder, the doctor may suggest different types of therapy and also prescribe medication to help subside the sympt...
[2] Tian, Stan. "The Emotional Effects of War on Soldiers." Health Guidance - Free Health Articles. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. .
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed or the person may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones or strangers.
Throughout history there have been records of soldiers experiencing ‘shell shock,’ ‘battle fatigue,’ ‘gross stress reaction,’ and ‘soldier’s heart.’ The soldiers who suffered from these combat induced physiological traumas were branded as cowards, and removed from positions, reprimanded and even court marshaled. Vietnam veterans began to experience similar ailments immediately following the war. This new surge of afflicted soldiers forced the public as well as medical professionals and government officials to take notice of what is now ...
Anything can get to them and when they are deployed back they are sometimes only a few days to a week removed from that battle felid and they get no time to let off steam or get some type of metal help. They are just put back in the society, normal life with their family. This messes with there mind a lot. (Dean 7) Many of these veterans had this American hero image in their mind which is understandable, but when they got back they had anything but that. This really messed up their minds because they had a bar set and is was not met by any means. (Dean 8) The negativity surrounding the veterans just shut them down completely from anything, family included because they had put it all out there for the mother land and they got little respect. They saw many friends die and didn’t get to see their family’s for long periods of time. (Dean 22,23) PTSD is known to just eat away at the mind like a parcite, not letting the person do anything at all. They can not have a normal life with a family. (Wilson 9) Just the way the mind thinks when diagnosed with PTSD is backwards and not with much sense sometimes. Compulsive reexposure is something not really talked about because the front is that everything is okay because the attempt to a normal life is shown. The way that works is the mind works in reverse like a veteran coming back feels the need to be in the swat or a woman got abused as
Post-Traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disorder that may develop after one has been a victim or witness of a traumatic event (What is PTSD). Men and women who served in the Vietnam War were vulnerable to many acts of violence and death such as guerilla warfare. After being discharged from the Armed Forces, they may experience flashbacks when a trigger brings back a memory or they may also suffer from nightmares or insomnia due to specific rattling experiences (Riley, Julie). Not being able to sleep can have some deteriorating effects on the body which can make life after war very hard to adjust to. The transfer of the Armed Forces back home life can be somewhat of a culture shock. However, anyone can develop PTSD. A person who has been a victim of abuse, an unexpected death/accident, or even a survivor of a natural disaster is at risk of being diagnosed with this disorder (Mental Health America). They may experience some symptoms of; depression, irritability, insomnia, flashbacks, they may complain of headaches or stomach pain, and may become reserved (Riley, Julie). These indicatio...
Veterans have manifested significant mental or behavioral health issues and in turn, health care services have been set to respond to their needs through educating community health care providers to work with veterans, service members and their families. As Zeiss & Karlin (2008) demonstrates, health care system has partnered with national organizations, health services, resources administration and other major mental projects that target the veterans to ensure effective services to mental health concerns. There are many inter-professional roles geared towards veterans due to their wide-range of mental issues including physicians, psychologists, social workers, substance abuse professionals, licensed counselors, public health workers, therapists related to marriage and family issues, nurses, chaplains, law enforcement and occupational therapists. In the course of this discussion, the way veterans mental issues has been addressed will be constricted to nursing setting to describe the scope, severity, behavioral health issues and responses among veterans.
While defending their country in wars, thousands of brave souls perish, forcing their loved ones to move on without them. Others are lucky compared to these soldiers because they get to return home suffering from minor things such as disease, injury, or nightmares. In combat, warriors are forced to see horrific things that scar them mentally for the rest of their lives. Others are scarred physically and are constantly reminded of their treacherous memories from serving in the military. Often times, sleeping turns into a hassle for the veterans because they re-live the atrocities that occurred on the battlefield. Many people come back home needing psychiatrists to cope with the emotions racing through their body.
Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) describes the phenomenon of traumatized people growing – becoming stronger, healthier, happier, and in all aspects better – as a result of their traumatic experiences. PTG can be expressed as the improvement experienced in various facets of one’s life and self, as a result of having struggled with trauma. Calhoun and Tedeschi began asking, in the 1980s, about the possibility of people growing from their traumatic experiences. Tedeschi and Calhoun describe PTG as ‘positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances’. Put differently, ‘posttraumatic growth is positive change that the individual experiences as a result of the struggle with a traumatic event’. The end result is that growth can occur after trauma. The key to the growth is struggle; the individual experiences growth after much struggle with the trauma to find its particular meaning and purpose, with a new worldview to better make sense of the traumatic experience. Trauma leads to struggle with painful experiences and suffering through the symptoms that consequently
Even when the war is over, it leaves behind some serious repercussions for people to deal with. War veterans need both psychological and physical care due to the impact of war. Soldiers and civilians who had live through war often witnessed terrible things, which can leave deep emotional scars. Most of them developing psychological problems if not proper psychological care is given. Civilians have to deal to the devastating after effects of war, which includes destroyed and damage to infrastructures