Psychiatric Advance Directives versus Recipient Rights

898 Words2 Pages

Introduction and Scenario Description
When a patient enters the hospital, he or she expects the health care professionals to treat him or her with respect and fairness. The hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings should deserve and be reputed with a strong set of ethical principles and respect in the face of the law. To John, a 35 year old schizophrenic who is experiencing a crisis situation, his mental health depends greatly on his health care team. He wrote an advance directive that states which medications he would prefer to receive and that he wants his parents to be involved in his care, but he currently exhibits paranoia against his parents. John’s health care team must decide on what course of action to take. The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal and ethical aspects of John’s advance directive and his recipient rights.
Ethical Principles
The ethical principles that most pertain to John’s situation are those of autonomy and beneficence. John deserves respect to his autonomy and his health care providers should consider beneficence in all of their interventions.

Autonomy is an important ethical principal that should be considered with great attention, especially with the limitation of personal autonomy one finds in hospitals. Burkhardt (2008) and Nathaniel define autonomy as self-governing and describe it as including four elements, the ability to determine personal goals, decide on a plan of action, to be respected, and to have freedom to act on choices. In John’s situation, his vulnerability in contrast to the power that the health care professionals hold over him put all four of these elements into jeopardy. Since his advance directive and his current choices differ, the matter of respec...

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