Pros and Cons of Plea Bargaining

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An agreement made in a criminal case between a prosecutor and its defendant, before reaching a trial is a plea bargain. The prosecutor offers an opportunity to the defendant to plead guilty. By agreeing to plead guilty to a crime the defendant would in exchange get a prosecutor’s promise to convince the judge to reduce the sentence. It is really impossible to predict what a jury is going to decide in a trial. I personally think that plea bargaining is being used as an easy way out; instead of having the person who committed the crime pay for what they did by serving the whole time. By managing a plea bargain the terms can sometimes be used to include pondering on how it works and who it can help.

For a judge a primary encouragement for even accepting a plea bargain is so that the trials can be moved along a lot quicker. Plea bargains are much quicker by the requirement of the less work in trails being made (Maynard 17). Most judges do not really have the time to have every case on trial, it is very time consuming. If every case in the justice system did manage to go to trial, courts would definitely be overloaded that they would eventually get shut down (Larson). Judges often reason using plea bargains to “process out” offenders that are more likely not going to do that much jail time (Nolo qtd. in Larson). So that gives the judge and prosecutor the ability to want to push the defendant to take the plea bargain. Otherwise, the defendant goes to trail to plead without a plea bargain to mostly receive a guilty plea.

By using plea bargain may be an agreeing to many things. It is very common in a plea bargain with first time offenders that are being accused with a less serious crime to use plead deals, so they can only be sentenced...

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...violent offender should not be allowed the luxury of a reduce sentence. At this point it is very doubtful that plea bargaining will be eliminated any time soon because of the benefits that plea bargain does offer.

Work Cited

B. Stacy* “The Ways Plea Bargain Works." Personal interview. 3 Mar. 2010.

"Free Legal Resources." The Pros and Cons of Plea Bargaining. Law Info, Oct. 2008. Web. 3 Mar. 2010.

L. Terry* “Plea Bargain and How It Should Be." Personal interview. 21 Feb. 2010.

Larson, Aaron. How Does "Plea Bargaining" Work? Expert Law, 2009. Web. 20 Feb. 2010.

Maynard, Douglas W. Inside Plea Bargaining: the Language of Negotiation. New York: Plenum, 1984.

M. David* "Plea Bargain and Is It Fair?" Personal interview. 20 Feb. 2010.

McCoy, Candace. Politics and Plea Bargaining: Victims' Rights in California. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1993.

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