Pros And Cons Of The Roaring Twenties

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What made the era of the Roaring Twenties so “roaring?” Perhaps it was the Prohibition Act, and the unhappy citizens who protest and broke the Amendment more times than one. Maybe it was the organized crime that became a large ordeal after the Prohibition. Or could it have been the era of “The New Woman?” Although there were many more improvements and setbacks to the 1920’s in the United States, these are a select few that had large impacts on it as well. The Prohibition was hoped to cleanse the United States from alcohol and drugs, but that was a lost cause. The more those who wanted to end the drugs fought, only fueled the fire of those who enjoyed it to fight against it. This is where the organized crime came into play. Mafias …show more content…

Some changes were positive on some aspects of the spectrum, but others, to some were negative on the other end of the spectrum. More people were leaving their farms to work for factories, and from this change, the United States’ economic growth was phenomenal. The nation’s cities were very much “roaring,” and the people were thriving. Many inventions were perfected during this era as well, some including: the radio, the television, and even the pop-up toaster (The Roaring Twenties, 2010). The Jazz era was taking the stage, and Louis Armstrong, a known legend to many changed music forever. Also, with the television becoming popular, Mickey Mouse made his first appearance in the cartoon Steamboat Willie (1920s: A Decade of Change, n.d.). Although these were large parts of why the time period of the twenties was thriving, there were many other parts to this decade. The twenties were full of sabotage and improvement, just not all at the same time. There was the Prohibition, which in some citizen’s minds, was a good act, but it depended on the person who was being questioned. Even if the Prohibition was a good start to a successful future, the crime on the streets and even under the streets started the grow. The organized crime started to take over, along with mafias and even gangs. The government’s decision on making the sale or development of alcohol illegal, was hoped to lessen the crime

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