Pros And Cons Of The Keystone XL Pipeline

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Prabhdip Kang
Mrs. Grant

Will The Keystone XL Pipeline Benefit Canada?

An underground pipeline that carries crude oil from Alberta to Texas? That does not sound like it is going to help Canada. The Keystone XL Pipeline is a pipeline that carries crude oil from Alberta to Texas. It stretches over 8000 KM and will carry up to 700000 barrels per day (FAQs: Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Project). It will destroy affect out water supplies, give excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, and give Canada the pollution, while USA gets the jobs.

My first reason on why this will not benefiet Canada is because it can affect underground and water supplies, increase air pollution, and harm wildlife (FAQs: Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Project). According to CBC News, environmental activists, are concerned that is could affect surface water supplies. This would happen, because they will need to dig down, and bring the pipe through, it will have to go through dirt, and if the pipeline was to leak, it would enter our natural water supplies, and poison our water. Which will not be beneficial for Canada. It will also destroy natural habitats of animals, and harm them. …show more content…

According to CBC News, this will cause greenhouse, because it will need to start of being drilled, then transferred to the pipeline. Then it will need to be transferred again to the final areas. It will also destroy many natural habitats. By having to dig up the ground, and having lots of construction at the same time, it will cause animals to flee from their homes, because of the noise. The machinery will also have to destroy through forests, and ground to be able to place the pipeline. According to Greenpeace, over 4 million hectares of Canada’s Boreal Forest are under

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