Pros And Cons Of Pass-Fail Grading System

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Certain educators across America are abolishing the traditional letter grade system, in favor of a fresh grading system where there are simply two choices, pass or fail. Therefore, students are either really good, or not good enough; there’s no more being average. Replacing the letter-grade method of evaluating student performance with a pass-fail grading system is not a great idea for a variety of reasons. First, it leaves students stressed out, when an exam is made pass or fail it causes students to crumble from anticipation and worry. Secondly, the teacher’s job is made easier, and grading can be handled quickly instead of thoroughly. Finally, it makes America’s colleges a lot harder to earn scholarships to. These reasons exemplify why the pass-fail grading system shouldn’t be implemented in America. …show more content…

Just imagine, it’s the big day. Your about to take a test that you’ve studied hard for, but your stressed out because you know you can either make it or break it. By replacing the letter-grade method of evaluating student performance with a pass-fail grading system, this makes the student feels as if everything is on the line and it’s either all or nothing. This creates so much stress and anxiety and can hinder the student from performing to the best of their ability. So if that student was to get a 70 on test, which is a C on the letter-grade method, they would most likely fail with an F because of the pass-fail grading system. Although that student got a C which is normally passing, in a pass fail system, a borderline score may end up in the fail section because of the discrepancies in grading criteria. This causes confusion as well as demoralization in the life of kids and shouldn’t be

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