Pros And Cons Of Naturopathy

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Naturopathic medicine is a type of medicine which focuses on the use of natural ingredients and medicines to help deal with illnesses such as Anxiety, depression, OCD, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, post herpetic neuralgia, sciatica, ADHD, autism. Naturopaths mix the new and the old knowledge of alternative medicine to create better ways to prevent further illness. It combines old, natural remedies and current research on diet, medicine and lifestyle.
Naturopathic practice has become an is lately because unregulated naturopaths are putting lives at risk. According to, 2016, a mother of a baby boy left near death from malnutrition was following a fluid diet and had allegedly been told by a Sydney naturopath to cease medical treatment for his skin condition. The three arguments that will be discussed throughout this folio are, Naturopathy is both potentially and actually injurious, Naturopathic practitioners are incapable of self-regulation commensurate with public safety, and Reason why naturopaths should be able to practice? …show more content…

Practitioners also have to complete a Graduate-Level Program in Naturopathic Medicine to become a licenced practitioner to be able to practice medicine. They also have to pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam. Once all of that is done practitioners have to then meet State License Requirements to be able to practice naturopathic medicine. They will also have to a Residency Program to get their licence to

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