Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Sentencing

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Mandatory Sentencing
Define mandatory sentencing.
Mandatory sentencing is where someone who has been convicted of a crime must be punished with at least a minimum number of years in prison. In the situation where the crime that was committed is subject to mandatory sentencing, the judge has very little choice when deciding the punishment.
Discuss the pros and cons of mandatory sentencing.
One pro to mandatory sentencing is that it helps to remove personal bias. In other words it is a fair approach that is equally applied to all participants who are charged with the same crime. Another pro to mandatory sentencing is it emphasizes the “tough on crime” method. This guarantees that punishments for certain crimes are all the same throughout the judicial system and that punishments are not looked at as being too lenient. One more pro to mandatory sentencing is, it can lead to a drop in crime rates. For instance, if one individual commits a crime and the punishment is harsh enough, another person may not commit the same crime, seeing as the punishment is severe.
For decades, racial and other legally unwarranted disparities in sentencing have been the subject of considerable empirical research, which has in turn helped to shape major policy changes. Most importantly, the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and their …show more content…

A second con to mandatory sentencing is, it can create a coercive environment. In other words, in order for an offender to receive a less severe punishment they may feel compelled to rat someone out. Another con to mandatory sentencing is, it can create unfair sentences. For instance, if someone was stuck in a situation where they were forced to commit a crime in order to save theirs or someone else’s life, but are punished based on the mandatory sentence

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