People are wondering if prostitution in the United States should be legal. In this essay will be the pros and cons about prostitution being legal. I think that prostitution should be legal. Although there are many pros and cons about making prostitution legal and here's a few of them. Here are a few advantages to legalizing prostitution. One advantage is it would reduce violence against women. A study of San Francisco prostitutes found that 82% had been assaulted and 68% had been raped while working as prostitutes. Another advantage to legalizing prostitution is it would make women more healthier. Illegal street prostitutes might face pressure from pimps to forgo condoms. But states that legalize prostitution can require sex workers to use condoms and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. One last advantage is legal prostitutes could get labor rights. Legally employed people in America get rights like a minimum wage, freedom from discrimination, and a safe work environment. Since prostitutes don't work legally, they don't get any of those rights. Although, if prostitution is legalized they could be given labor rights. …show more content…
One disadvantage is sex trafficking. It involves exploitation, which comes in many forms, such as forcing victims into prostitution, compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography and misleading victims into debt bondage. An additional disadvantage is while regulations are intended to combat trafficking and abuse, in reality, legalizing prostitution empowers pimps, traffickers and the sex industry, according to an article published by the Journal Of Trauma Practice. One last disadvantage is legalizing it only increases the demand for it by deeming promiscuous behavior socially acceptable, simply continuing the cycle of sexual abuse in the sex
As prostitution is criminalized, this profession is driven underground which undermines the safety of prostitutes. Legalizing prostitution would provide sex workers with regulatory protection and allow this form of work to be recognized as legitimate. As the author of “Think Again: Prostitution” states, “evidence shows, that criminalization of sale or purchase (or both) makes sex workers-many of whom come from marginalized social groups like women, minorities, and the poor-more vulnerable to violence and discrimination committed by law enforcement. Also, criminalization can dissuade sex workers from seeking help from authorities if they are raped, trafficked, or otherwise abused.” Therefore, sex workers are subjected to unfair treatment that could be prevented if this work was legalized and safe conditions were enforced. The author of "Counterpoint: Prostitution Should Be Legalized” states, “prostitution is legalized and regulated in a variety of developed nations throughout ...
For instance, while every industry that operates in the US has labor rights associated with it, prostitutes have no guarantees in their work. No one has to provide a prostitute with “rights like a minimum wage, freedom from discrimination, and a safe work environment” (Fuchs). With regulations in place after decriminalizing the profession, prostitutes can be better protected against STIs. This could be accomplished by requiring “sex workers to use condoms and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases” (Fuchs). They will have a greatly decreased chance of contracting disease if they turn down clearly infected clients, and make all clients, whether clean or not, wear condoms. If they were working outside of the law they would feel less incline to do this and would then be at great risk for contracting disease. Illegal prostitutes actually have motives for not using condoms since in cities like New York, “cops were actually using condoms found on women as evidence in criminal prostitution cases against them” (Fuchs). This practice provides the perfect stage for STIs to go wild and spread like fire, with HIV being in the forefront and becoming an even larger epidemic then it is. Giving them labor rights will give them the ability to unionize and fight for their rights together, transferring the power in the business to the workers instead of their bosses, like pimps and brothel owners. With regulations eliminating the pimps, one source of violence is removed from the business. Customers are the other major source of violence and, with legalization, prostitutes would be able to rely on law enforcement to protect them instead of detaining them. Studies have found that among prostitutes “82% had been assaulted and 68% had been raped while working” (Fuchs) and “they were 18 times more likely to be murdered than non-prostitutes their age and race” (Fuchs). This could be
There have been 20 million arrests since 1965 for the possession of marijuana, also known as cannabis. The amount of crime and arrests for possessions of the illicit drug has increased due to the prohibition. Cannabis was a major cash crop for the industrial production prior to its illegalization. It has been estimated that the United States spends approximately $7.7 billion each year to prohibit the use of marijuana alone. Currently the number of people incarcerated is six to ten times higher than European countries (NORML). Today the United States wastes billions of dollars to fight against the war on drugs, for the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of people, and etc. It’s also brought a raise of violence and crime relating to the dealing and production of the drug. Marijuana should be legalized because its ban has been futile in preventing illicit production, regulating it would allow new development in medical treatments, and would give a boost to the economy. The illegalization of the drug has a much more negative impact then it does well, in fact it’s pushed drug cartels to produce more of the drug because of the high demand and the millions of dollars they’ll make from profits.
Should prostitution be legal in the United States? Nevada is currently the only state in the nation to legalize prostitution. They exercise this right in the form of regulated brothels. The power to legalize prostitution is a state power; however, most states have chosen not to legalize this service. Some view prostitution as a business, selling goods and services to make a profit, but others view it as morally wrong. Most people think selling one’s body for money should not be promoted, but others simply see prostitution as business.
The problem with legalizing prostitution is it promotes human trafficking, exploits women, and presents traffickers with a bigger industry. Human Trafficking is trading human beings for sex, labor, or any other force trade. Prostitution enforces human trafficking. The number of women enslaved daily is greatly increasing, because the sex industry is growing fast. This is a major problem for our generation and for generations to come.
Legalizing prostitution could change into a more positive outcome. It is not necessarily a lifestyle that has to be permanent. It can be used to get an education as mentioned earlier. A daughter/son does not need to be a drug addict to sell themselves. Rather, for a brief moment they could work as a prostitute to get ahead financially. If legal, parents could feel secure knowing that the government has their young adult working in a safe environment. Their child is being tested for diseases regularly. Remember condoms are mandatory, which would illuminate any STD’S that could possibly be shared. They do not need to worry about pimps, or trafficking, since prostitution would be legalized. Prostitution could be personal gain. Feeling successful financially causes the opposite of low self-esteem. A young adult would feel important and know that they are actually making a difference in the economy. They would be paying taxes and at the end of the year file like all working class Americans. Perhaps they might even get some cash
There have been several studies that show the increase of trafficking. But other than that, what other reasons are there against it? There really aren 't many good reasons to keep it illegal, are there? I mean, besides people who have moral issues with it. They wouldn 't want to see their daughter a victim of forced sexual labor. The average age for a prostitute starting into the business is thirteen. About 85% of prostitutes have reported being victims of sexual assault or abuse in their child. Those statistics are for illegal prostitution. If we could put in a system, we could prevent the buying and selling of
Prostitution is illegal in the United States, except for some counties in Nevada. However, prostitution is in most part of the United States, despite the fact that it has been legalized. Prostitution is an act whereby, one sells his/her body for sex. In the United States, Prostitution is divided into three broad categories; street, escort, and brothel prostitution. Brothel prostitution takes place in brothel houses, which are houses where prostitutes can sell sexual services. This kind of prostitution is illegal in all parts of America, except in some counties in Nevada for example; Douglas County, Clark County, Carson City, Washoe County, and Lincoln County. Another form of prostitution is escort prostitution. This is always considered as entertainment, and massage services. It is supposed to be heavily regulated, but unfortunately, it is not because, in many counties where it is practiced, the only difference between escort and street prostitution is a phone call away. The last category of prostitution is street prostitution. This is the most unaccepted, and illegal type of prostitution in the United States. Street prostitution involves scantly dressed up women, and men roaming the streets looking for client to sell their bodies. It is the most frowned kind of prostitution because it is done openly. The question is should prostitution be legalized in the US? The answer is yes, this is because, it will help eliminate all the vices related to prostitution.
The Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization Should drugs be legalized? Drugs are resources that are capable of affecting the American economy in many ways—both positively and negatively. Drugs often have a bad name, even though they help us everyday in medical cases. and the drugs with the worst reputations are not the most abused drugs. One may benefit from the legalization of drugs in many ways, while others would suffer greatly.
Is prostitution wrong? Is it possible to stop prostitution entirely? The debate on whether prostitution should be legalized in the United Sates is not a new one. On the topic of prostitution different ideas such as morality and freedom of choice come to play. The differing of opinions on whether prostitution should be legalized in the United States vary greatly, but generally they fall into three categories: anti-prostitution, decriminalization, and pro-legalization.
In conclusion, prostitution should be legalized for the well being of all parties. Labor laws would protect prostitutes, money would be saved on pointless investigations, and the number of Sexually Transmitted Diseases could be potentially decreased. Legalized prostitution could be altered to protect women; laws have to be specific and strict. Prostitution is inevitable, and those who practice it are not criminals.
Prostitution is one of the most controversial subjects in the United States. There are many pros and cons to this subject. Should prostitution be legalized? Or should it stay illegal with no chance of becoming decriminalized? Some researchers confirm that prostitution is indeed the most ancient profession, while others argue with it; however, everybody agrees that trading sex for money has existed for quite a while. Prostitution is still a part of modern society. The fact speaks for itself, as there will always be a demand for the services that it provides, prostitution will exist in some form no matter what.
Little do most know, but on “[a]verage [prostitution] arrest[s], court and incarceration costs amount to nearly $2,000 per arrest. Cities spend an average of 7.5 million dollars on prostitution control every year, ranging from 1 million dollars to 23 million dollars.” Prostitution is the oldest known profession. Currently in 49 countries and counting prostitution is legal. Here in America there is a stigma following the label prostitute. We would rather resort to underground markets of sex labor. Endangering health, rights, and economics. Legalizing prostitution can reduce health hazards by giving heath care, also by giving rights to those that choose prostitution as their profession. In the long term this
When it comes to the topic of legalizing prostitution, most of us will readily, agree that prostitution is a human right. Where this agreement usually ends, however, in on the question of prostitution being legalized. Whereas some are convinced that it should be legalized, others maintain that it should remain illegal. I agree that prostitution should be legalized. A point that needs emphasizing since so many people still believe that the government should not interfere with their life choices. Considering that it goes against the 1st Amendment, why shall someone not do as they please. A portion of the United States believe that legalizing prostitution would bring down the percentage of people being raped. It can save kids’ lives that are being forced to be
“The exchange of sexual favors between partners within a relationship for money is just one of the various ways of expressing and carrying out human sexuality”. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and it has helped several women to earn a living for themselves and their families from times immemorial. Prostitution typically refers to a wide variety of sex-for-payment arrangements. There are several countries having long and descriptive histories of this activity. India is one of those countries. From the Rigveda, it is found that there were women who were common to several men and were known as courtesans or prostitutes. Back in the era of kingdoms, the concubines were also granted regal status. However, scenario