Comparability in Financial Statements: An IFRS Perspective

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Consider to what extent International Financial Reporting Standards allow for comparability between Financial Statements. Overview Accounting gives companies, investors, regulators and others with a standardized way to explain the financial performance of an entity. Accounting standards present preparers of financial statements with a set of rules that they have to follow when preparing an entity’s accounts, making sure this standardization is across the market (Robert 2008). Many Companies are required to publish their financial statements in accordance with the relevant accounting standards. To simply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is one set of accounting standards, which have been established and maintained by the IASB with the purpose of those standards being efficient of being useful consistently. Financial statements are a structured representation of the financial positions and financial performance of an entity. The role of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. …show more content…

There are pros and cons about the prudence in accounting standards, one thing is certain that financial information should be authentic and trustworthy. One thing, which is certain that there are many examples of prudence in existing IFRS and that these examples are widely accepted treatments. We can look at the following examples You should always discuss when the new framework draft is being given a shape. The discussion and definition should be reconsidered as arguably the principal role for prudence in standard setting lies in robust recognition criteria for assets and liabilities, where its application is transparent (Martin). Also another factor to consider is the retention of historical cost for many items will tell a proper degree of prudence to recognition of profit and asset

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