Propaganda and Advertising,

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Propaganda is a neutral word, and it can refer to uses that are generally benign or harmless. However, nowadays propaganda still remind people to something devil. This is because of the wars, and some even more evil than wars. Lord Ponsonby echoed the sentiments of many when he wrote that propaganda involved ‘the defilement of the human soul which is worse than the destruction of the human body’. For the open-minded, continued exist of propaganda was limited the freedom and globalized society. It is forces us to think and work things in their ways. It cover the medium of our see the world by distort the truth. Propaganda is also one of the methods used in psychological warfare, which may also involve false flag operations. In wars, propaganda used to create anger like racism and derogatory to make enemy agitation. The most success and famous propagandandist is Dr. Goebbels, the “Evil Genius” of Nazi propaganda (Philip.M, 2013, p. 1). He helped Adolf Hitler came to power through the use of Goebbels's modern propaganda methods. He exploits people emotion and hiring people to implement his modern propaganda methods. He was appointed Minister of National Enlightenment after Hitler Adolf been in power. Dr. Goebbels used all media of education and communications to further Nazi propaganda purposes and instill their Germans ideas of their leader for their own destiny, which is to become ruler of the world worthy of the name of God. In 18 February 1943, Dr. Goebbels’s had his famous speech “Total War”. In the “Total War” video, Dr. Goebbels spoke emotional with exaggerated gesture to persuade people and those people become fanatic and raises up their hand to respond him (, 2013). Dr. Goebbels a...

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...vailable at: [Accessed: 29 Nov 2013]. 2013. American Experience . The Man Behind Hitler . | PBS. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013].
Philip.M, T. 2013. Munitions of the mind - a history of propaganda from the ancient world to the present era. [e-book] Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. p. 1. [Accessed: 29 Nov 2013]. 2013. Coca-Cola. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Nov 2013].
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