Process Essay: Reaching The NBA

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Reaching the NBA is almost impossible. And most newcomers usually arrive through the annual draft. The draft only features two rounds with 30 pics in each round. On top of that every player is not guaranteed a spot on the team. To reach this point you must be better than your competition and your peers. Although this may sound very challenging there are ways that you can increase your chances of being selected in the NBA draft.

Develop exceptional skill. There are many ways you can polish your basketball skills. You can join a developmental team or attend a basketball camp. Here you will learn to pass, dribble, and defend at a high level. You can also seek a personal trainer or coach to help you work on your game in a one on one scenario. These tactics will help you develop your game tremendously. …show more content…

You can start your journey by competing against the best players in your age group. Then move up to a travel squad or AAU team to face the best teams from other areas. Many current NBA stars have honed their skills previously in the 40 team elite youth basketball league. This league features top high school age players in the country And will help you develop your skills tremendously. Earning a spot on one of these teams is a large step toward a major college basketball and even the NBA.

Raise your social profile. If your local high school does not have a well-known quality program with good training facilities you can choose a strong private program. If you can earn a spot on a national prominent teams such as Oak Hill Academy or Huntington prep you will play a national schedule and get extra exposure to college coaches and scouts. NBA teams cannot draft players right out of high school, so your college choice is critical. Make your decision based on the school’s track record for preparing players for pro

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