Process Essay: How To Help An Addict

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Time and again, we hear people showing concern for their loved ones. They want to know how to help an addict. It's a relevant notion because of how little people really know about addiction. If you've never walked a mile in those shoes, it's difficult to fathom exactly what's going on in the addict's body and mind. With that said, there are some things we can all do for family and friends who are caught up in the cycle of addiction.

How Not to Help an Addict
Any discussion about how to help an addict has to begin with what not to do. The last thing you want to be is an enabler. You gain nothing by turning your head and looking the other way while someone you love is being self-destructive. Getting lost in an addiction is far easier for the …show more content…

With any luck, the addict can have the disease arrested and laid to sleep. However, the disease will still be off in the corner doing push-ups, looking for the opportunity to reappear in the form of one drink, one pill or one injection.

How to Help an Addict
The first step in the process of providing help is educating yourself about addiction. This includes learning how to identify the traits and actions of an addict. Education will help you understand there's very little you can do for them in terms of treatment for the disease or fixing their problems. What you can do is be informative and supportive.

The likelihood your loved one will get help before they are ready is slim. Most people don't realize they are caught in the cycle of addiction. Without being intrusive, your task is to help them recognize what's going on in their life. You can achieve this by subtly point out the deficiencies and troubles. From here, you might be able to start pointing them towards getting the help they need. At the end of the day, the best thing you can do is be supportive about the notion they need to get help for their

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