Privacy Vs Security Essay

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Along with Privacy and security comes the issue of terrorism, Constitutional rights, and Prisoners of War (POW). The privacy vs security debate has two sides to it. Many think that it has influenced governmental interaction with citizens. Sometimes the law focuses on the wrong interests. Just as security cameras are made for thief’s, there come along violations within a person’s workspace or personal life. Privacy emerged early on including Jewish and Roman laws safeguarding against surveillance. Once populations began to grow citizens around the world started filing complaints about noise and unlawful search and seizures. Security and Privacy become an internationally growing issue that affected the world. Security is known as a sort of Independence from danger. Privacy is a freedom from the Undesirable. “He noticed that the needle on his gas gauge was getting low and decides to pull over. As he walks into the gas station he pays for the gas with his credit card, steals a pack of cigarettes and a newspaper without the clerk knowing. B Horton proceeds out the doors and recognizes a security camera as he walks to his car. Later he is contacted and tried for theft. Some believe the camera was an invasion of his privacy but others say that Horton took from society” Webster 21) In America this was and still is a serious issue. The founders saw it coming and implanted laws against home invasions based on national security or to protect others. The fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights is one plan of action that the founding fathers implemented into the United States Constitution to give people a sense of privacy from law enforcement. Also the Fifth Amendment placed a specific procedure on how police go about arresting an individual. ...

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...n support of the application, and may provide for reasonable exceptions in situations where the Commissioner detennines there is minimal opportunity for fraud. Second, the Commissioner was directed to make improvements to the enumeration at birth program for the issuance of social security numbers to newborns. Such improvements were to be designed to prevent the assignment of social security numbers to unnamed children; the issuance of more than one social security number to the same child; and, other opportunities for fraudulently obtaining a social security number. Finally, the House proposal required the Commissioner to issue regulations restricting the issuance of multiple replacement social security cards to any individual to 3 per year and to 10 for the life of the individual, except where the Commissioner detennines there is a minimal opportunity for fraud.”

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