Prisoners In The 18th Century

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What it is-
• You worked in a workhouse if you lived in poverty, an unwanted orphan, you were sick or endangered, or if you were on the tramp
• They were used to solve the problem of poverty but were ruthless
What it was like-
• People lived very tough lives in workhouses and the physical building looked very old like a prison
• Very nasty places and full of diseases, illnesses
• To go into a workhouse you not only had to be searched, washed and be given a haircut, but also stripped
• Family, couples, and friends had to be separated from adult and children to male and female
• The people in these workhouses were forced to were clothing that you would see prisoners in
Work in workhouses-
• All the work they did was to keep everyone busy and …show more content…

• At first most often debaters, minor offenders, those who were sentenced to death, and way more went to prison
• In the Victorian period all kind of offenders, serving long term sentences, and those who only committed small crimes were sent to prison
Common Crimes-
• Burglary, murder, rape, drunkenness, prostitution, larceny, and vagrancy
Life in Prison-
• Prisoners were punished and treated very cruelly for the smallest rule broken
• A large rule was silence and if broken you were met with harsh punishments for even motioning, smiling, or communicating in any way
• Prison guards were very strict and prisoners could not communicate with family and friends
• In these prisons, if you could pay then you could request better or more things like getting more

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