Pride Of A Scotsman Essay

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The Pride of a Scotsman
What's big, cheap, Scottish and depressing? Scotland. This is one of the many jokes that Scots make about themselves. The Scots have a massive history that goes back to the 1500’s and even earlier that have shaped modern day Scots and how we look at them. From the start of the Clan Wars, to the fight that Bonnie Prince Charlie brought.Scottish history has affected how Scots act like and different among others. Scots have reputation for being blood thirsty, cheap, bagpipe playing and kilt wearing people. Many patterns of behavior can be traced back to a root cause in history. Common Scottish behaviors were shaped by major events in Scottish history.
Bonnie Prince Charlie who is also known as “The Young Pretender”, was the cause of the failed Jacobite rebellion of 1746 in an attempt become king of Scotland, England, and Ireland. Charlie was the great grandson of James II of England who was disposed as King of England because of his absolutism and pro-catholic beliefs. James II, his son James, and his grandson Charlie lived in exile in France. During this time, there were some rebellious conflicts to bring James II back to the throne, but to no avail. As Charlie got older, he wanted to lead an army to take back the throne of England, Scotland, and Ireland. When he was old enough and he had the resources to do so, he set out on his conquest to take back Scotland. He was hoping to get support from England or France, because the countries did not trust Charlie as a leader. (Wikipedia)
As Charlie was heading to Scotland on of his ships was attacked and was damaged. When Charlie got to Scotland he began his attack at Glenfinnan and moved south until he had reached the capital. At this time, there ...

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...ike that for Scots, as a tuxedo is for other culture. The bagpipes are played in Scottish parades like America has their brass bands that go in Parades.(Bagpipe History)
Events in the past have affected modern day Scots. When these events first occurred in Scotland, the Scots kept these memories and traditions with pride that stayed with them throughout years. As more and more generations pass, the sense of Scottish pride stays with them as they teach it to their children. The generations that followed Prince Charlie’s legacy grew up with Scottish patriotism. The families that survived the famine learned and passed on the ideal to not waste resources. Scottish emigrants kept their Highland culture by publicly showing their Scottish roots. The stereotype of Scots were caused by the pride that had been brought down from generation to generation that still live today.

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