Pressure for Females Teenagers to be Thin

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Why do young women feel pressure to stay thin?
The purpose of this paper is to prove that peer pressure plays in important part in how girls perceive their self-esteem and body imagine. We go into ways to improve a teenager’s body image with the use of maintaining a proper diet and exercise routine. It goes into keeping opening communication and the drastic things teenagers will do to get the “look”. Surgery and eating disorders are briefly gone over. We go into what types of pressure a teenager will face for example parental teasing, parents encouragement lose weight, and what parents consider the norm. Peer pressure deals with appearance and wanting to fit in. Only 5 percent of women posses the body type that is reflected in the media. We will test 30 girls with a simple survey test with six, yes or no questions. The results will give us a percentage of what has the most influence. I believe if we can determine the cause, we can get to the root of things and make young girls more accepting of themselves and be healthier.
In the classroom, the girls would be all shapes and sizes. Exclusions would be boys, because the focus of this study is girl. My sample needs to be diverse to see the results from my research question. If I choose all tall skinny girls, I would not be getting accurate data. I choose two separate classrooms to insure I would end up with 30 girls. I would use a survey with six different questions. I would give the girls in both classes a letter of intent to explain the survey and the reason behind it.

Dear Student

Confidentiality Agreement: Survey on the need to be thin.
I am doing a survey. The purpose of this survey is to see how much influence is peer pressure to be thin...

... middle of paper ...

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