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Chapter 13 social influence on behaviourpsyc 100
The impact of prejudice on society
Social influence in social psychology
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Prejudice is an inexcusable attitude (usually harmful) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group. Victims of prejudice may have difficulty focusing on tasks and making clear decisions and this effect can linger after the incident. Psychotherapy may be helpful in treating the negative mental effects of someone who has been the victim of prejudice. Psychotherapy may also be beneficial for someone who has prejudged or discriminated against another. The socialization process is the process by which people follow the values and beliefs of their culture, including religion, nationality, and social class. One can agree that prejudices and other beliefs are instilled via socialization. Socialization …show more content…
They will seek individuals who we can displace our aggression onto. These may be out-group individuals or even entire groups. Scapegoat theory emerged during the 1940s as a way for social psychologists to explain why prejudice occurs. According to this theory, people may be prejudice toward a group in order to emit their anger. One example, according to scapegoat theory, the Germans used the Jews as scapegoats for all of their countries problems (which included economic problems across the country). Once someone is classified as a scapegoat, it may be difficult to erase stigmas associated with it. Prejudice is created via socialization. The way we deal with life problems, most of the times, are displayed in our behaviors. Since humans are social creatures, it is easy to see that socialization is the simplest way to vent our anger; be it positively (example talking to a friend about a situation you are going through at home) or negatively (example scapegoat theory). Though our life issues may be internal, as humans we always vent our anger in external …show more content…
According to Allport, because humans rely on one another for the information and resources they need to survive, we must be willing to trust and cooperate with one another. However, trust must be present at all times. Therefore, ingroups are formed in which members are compelled to respond to any support given or asked of them. Members expect the ingroup to treat them with kindness and fairness. As groups become larger, signs and symbols are created to differentiate ingroup members from outgroup members so that outgroup members don’t benefit from ingroup members. As power becomes more unconditional in the ingroup, they have low tolerance for outgroups, leading to hostility toward the outgroup (Brewer,
A)Socialization/page 67: The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group- the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them.
Prejudice is an issue that cannot be easily avoided in today's society. It has and always will have a huge impact on the discrimination that some people face based on religion, appearance, background, mental/physical disabilities and etc.
In the insightful article “causes of prejudice” written by Vincent N. Parillo, the author begins the intuitive argument with a three paragraph introduction explaining to the reader, briefly, about the social and psychological sides of prejudice. “Negative attitudes can lead to turbulent social relations between dominant minority groups.” (pg. 504) “Psychological perspectives on prejudice-whether behaviorists, cognitive, or psychoanalytic-focus on the subjective states of mind of individuals.”(pg.504) which help the author, not only introduce these topics to the reader, but also aids the reader in understanding the author’s reasoning for writing this article. Progressing further into the author’s argument, the author commences his argument
Prejudice is a dreadful mindset that people can perceive from another person by their first look. As long as human race roams the Earth, prejudge mental will never cease. However long that we as people stay here on Earth is how long prejudice will last. We frustratingly try to obliterate prejudice, but it always upheaval back with maximum force. People take into consideration peoples race and ethnicity, and if it is diverse from theirs, then that person is probably prejudice towards them in any other ways, shape, or form. Prejudice has been with Mankind since the beginning of the human revolution. The simplest example of prejudice is when it comes to black and white revolution. Since colored human race were slaves in the beginning of American
Socialization is a lifelong process of acquiring one’s personal identity; when we interact within the four agents of socialization—family, school, media, and peer groups—we internalize norms, values, behavior, and social skills. Since our values, norms, and beliefs about society are first learned with family, family is the most important and influential agent of socialization.
Prejudice: is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group, for example a person may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender. A prejudiced person may not act on their attitude. So that means someone can be prejudice towards a certain group but not discrimate against them, an example of this was in the scene when the couple was walking down the street and as the two black man walked towards them she clinched her purse and held her husband even tighter. She judged them without even knowing what their intentions were. The interesting part was she was right and they need up carjacking them
Prejudices shape our perceptions of various people and influence our attitudes and actions toward particular groups and prejudicial attitudes that are negative often lead to hostile relations between domi...
Scapegoating is a common way to target a certain group and blame them for something that has occurred. These negative emotions are usually the ingroup, or those with dominant power, targeting the out-group, or those with weaker power. They have occurred since the Holocaust, when Hitler blamed the Jews for the fall of Germany and needed to exterminate all Jews to make Germany great again. Prejudice was learned in this case, by the Nazis and those who spread the misconception of Jewish people, known as the social cognitive theory. However, some factors could be conflict between these two groups, known as the realistic conflict theory. For example, Mexicans have been thought to “steal all of Americans jobs” and be violent human beings. Mexican immigrants are actually less likely to commit crime, according to the Washington Post and earn jobs Americans are too lazy to do, or even better at. One can even participate in their own prejudice, known as stereotype vulnerability. This can affect their actions and lead them to feel anxious about behaving the way they are allegedly “portrayed” as.
Two Ways to Reduce Prejudice Two ways in which prejudice can be reduced are Equal status contact and the pursuit of common goals. Deutsch and Collins (1951) carried out an early study of equal status contact. They compared two kinds of housing projects, one of which was thoroughly integrated with blacks and whites who were assigned houses regardless of their race, and the other was segregated. The residents of both housing projects were intensively interviewed and it was found that both casual and neighbourly contact were greater in the integrated housing with less prejudice among whites towards blacks.
Scapegoating is when a person irrationally blames their failures on others, therefore not taking responsibility themselves. The “scapegoating theory says that prejudiced people believe they are society’s victims” (Schaefer 38). It is always someone else’s fault that things do not go their way and the person “… transfers the responsibility for failure to some vulnerable group” (Schaefer 38).
From the reading I learned prejudice is when a person attaches negative emotion to a certain group of people that is not based on facts. Prejudice has two levels cognitive or affective where the cognitive is thinking and feeling prejudice while affecting is actually doing prejudice actions. Discrimination is also discussed in chapter one. Discrimination is unequal behavior or treatment of a person based on them being a member of a group. An example of discrimination would be not getting selected for a job because you are African
How would it feel if you woke up each day fearing for your life, just because of the pigment of your skin or the irrelevant opinion of someone who believes they are superior. since ancient times, Discrimination has been a great issue in our society, it’s always been, and probably will continue to be in the near future. Now that the discrimination among officers have been in the spotlight, the fact that they’re not getting proper punishments are allowing a great amount of people to realize that This is a serious issue; and innocent individuals are losing their lives from the careless opinions of others.However, this is consistently changing depending upon the area in which it occurs in.
If a young girl is walking alone through a park late at night and encounters three senior citizens walking with canes and three teenage boys wearing leather jackets, it is likely that she will feel threatened by the latter and not the former. Why is this so? To start off, we have made a generalization in each case. By stereotyping, we assume that a person or group has certain characteristics. Often, these stereotypical generalizations are not accurate. We are succumbing to prejudice by ?ascribing characteristics about a person based on a stereotype, without knowledge of the total facts?1.
Socialization is defined as the process by which an individual internalizes the norms, values and beliefs of their social world. The socialization process occurs throughout the life course of the individual and is influenced by agents of socialization, which include a variety of social institutions and daily social interactions. Some examples of such agents are peers,family, neighborhood,sports, schools, religion, the workplace, and especially the mass media. Socialization agents in your life shapes, develops, and help highlight who you are as a person. The agents of socialization that have molded and shaped my life through high school and college are family,school,neighborhood..These agents have have helped me become who I am today and has
Four main things that play into prejudice are the different levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and one’s frustration. There are different severities to each prejudice; some take it more seriously than others. Maybe it is a form of feeling good for some, feeling better than those around you. Having a prejudice is not the best way to go about handling a tough situation, but many have them. Personal experiences, jealousy, and hatred are just a few of the attributes that lye behind prejudices. Some may have been learned, and some may be just out of pure ignorance. No one was born to have negative feelings towards a group of “different” individuals. Yes, we are human and no one is perfect, but if prejudice were an innate behavior, all people of the same kind would feel the same way towards the other “excommunicated” individuals. Different people have been raised with different belief systems and cultural practices. If one was raised their whole life being told that people of this specific group were bad, they would obviously have the same feelings towards them. Whether it is back in the 1800s or now, people still have prejudices against those of other sexes, race and ethnicity, and religions. All in all, many prejudices stem from others’ pride, stubbornness, fear, hatred, or maybe even their own