Prejudice And Discrimination In The Movie: Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo started off as humble innocent boy who was black and gay. During the movie you seen the way that Romeo was out casted for being black and gay he even had his head pushed in the lockers by the bullies. Romeo accepted the fact that he was going to be out casted because of the way he was. However, that never changed his love he had for his boyfriend. Even through Romeo boyfriend friends was the one terrorizing him? Romeo never changed his heart and emotions towards his boyfriend. Romeo showed the psychology emotion which is known as “feeling results in physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior” (Cannon, W. B. (1927)). Romeo thoughts about his boyfriend was always positive. Romeo never let what people around him …show more content…

Learning in class that prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group, on the other hand, discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards a person (McLeod, S. A. (2008)). When Romeo was going through prejudice and discrimination he mainly started to be more and more by his self. It showed me and made me understand that when you treat a person a different way than you treat others that person will eventually become a loner. Meaning they would not feel satisfied by being around any one and would just want to stay to themselves. Viewing that throughout the movie helped me to see that the way I can say a thing, and even do a thing can make a person feel like they don’t belong there. It made me realized that on a day to day base some people experience prejudice and discrimination every day. That I can be that person who change and help someone feel better about themselves. Learning this and looking at the way Romeo was perspective through the movie made me feel terrible on the inside? Due to the fact, that I have done it before to someone. Seeing the way a person can go into depression behind discrimination made me see that everybody in the world is equal no matter what sex they …show more content…

The personality disorders I noticed was Oddly Isolated meaning that you start stay to yourself and don’t want to be around others. Romeo showed this disorder throughout the movie when he was always by himself. It seemed like it do not even bother him that he was by himself. Which made me noticed that he enjoyed being alone and to his self. It made me noticed the disorder that he has because of him being to himself. Viewing that disorder helped me to see that not all the time a person may have a personality disorder. They just might enjoy not having to deal with people and there different ways. An Oddly Isolated is presented as an individuals that were described as quiet, suspicious, and “comfortably dull” (e.g., Otto Kernberg, John Livesley, and myself). Which made me look at Romeo as if he was physically hurt by something. Don’t get me wrong I am not all a people person but, I am not alone as Romeo was in this

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